Aoba is working in Junk Shop Heibon where he receives orders via phonecall and for some strange reason, almost all of his customers likes to hear his voice which creeps him out a lot but it's an advantage for the business. He's daily lives are peaceful as always but everything changed when he received an old game application that is somewhat connected to what is happening to his surroundings. He was dragged into a Ryhme battle that he wasn't experienced with and was kidnapped by a mysterious man.

His grandma was even kidnapped by his friend Mizuki who was being controlled by a group called 'Morphine'. He saved his grandma by using an unknown ability where he entered the mind of Mizuki. His grandma explained that she was a former researcher from Toue and they were searching about how to control a mind. Aoba is one of the experiments, he has a power called 'scrap' where he can enter the mind of other people and can either help or destroy a person.

He made a mistake in what to say to Mizuki thus Mizuki's mind got destroyed which he deeply regretted saying the wrong wrong words. He decided to stop Toue and his plans. Virus contacted him that police are coming after him and so they all run away together with Koujaku, Noiz, Mink and Clear.

Mink ordered them to separate so that the police will be confuse on who will they chase. Koujaku runs away with Aoba.

He then receives a game application which is automatically installed and a letter saying that he was invited at Platinum Jail. They concluded that it was a trap but they still went because their objective is to stop Toue in the first place. When they got in, Koujaku started acting weirdly ever since he met a girl with a spider tattoo. Aoba follows Koujaku and he entered a club where he met a strange man named Ryuuhou. Aoba finds Koujaku at the club and got dizzy where he even puked. Koujaku gives Aoba a piggy back ride all the way to Glitter, a place where they are staying.


Aoba demands an explanation from him but he refuse to say anything. The second time he went to find Koujaku, he talked again to Ryuuhou and it seems that Koujaku saw this. Aoba went back and after a while came Koujaku. He suddenly pushed Aoba to bed shouting that why he talked to that man. He licks Aoba's neck and touch his chest up and down I was conflicted at first here because it's my first time going to this genre but then again, I did like the always kind Koujaku turning forceful. Aoba managed to stop him from going further with his power and Koujaku apologizes. It was later revealed that he is a son of a yakuza and he's mother is a mistress where the original wife tortures her.

Koujaku is angry at Ryuuhou because he marked with a tattoo but not just any normal tattoo and he's also the cause of her mother's death. When they successfully infiltrated the tower where Toue resides, they find Ryuuhou who is working with Toue. Koujaku managed to kill Ryuuhou but it turned him into a beast so Aoba used his scrap.

It was later then revealed that he is the one who killed his mother and even the whole yakuza factor. He wants to kill himself but Aoba's face appeared in his mind and he wants to see him again so he went back to the Old Resident District.

Noiz went after Aoba because he still wants Aoba to join his team and even wants to fight him in Rhyme. Aoba says that he can't remember their battle to which Noiz' reluctantly believe. They got into Platinum Jail the same way with Koujaku's Route. Noiz got into a fight and he was hurt.

Aoba panics and tries to treat him when they got back at Glitter. Noiz refuses his help but Aoba pushes through anyway. Noiz was confuse as to why Aoba's treating him well. An idea came to his mind where he was an advantage or tool to be used for Aoba, that's why he is being kind but Aoba disagrees with it.

Noiz then came in a conclusion that Aoba is in love with him so he suddenly kissed him which surprised Aoba where the hell did that idea came from huh Noiz? It's not very common for people to come up with that conclusion especially if its in the same gender but then again.

But he didn't push him. They went to Noiz' bedroom and jerks each others private part I'm kinda not comfortable typing in this scene, I just hope the people I know irl won't read this, lol!. When Aoba was finished, Noiz didn't feel anything so he did a blowjob ew. Lol on him which he felt it. Aoba learned that Noiz doesn't feel pain so when he got hurt, it didn't matter to him at all. Aoba is saddened by this and lectured Noiz which changed him a little where he showed concern to Aoba when he was shot by a security allmate during the time they infiltrated the tower. Noiz went away to look for a first aid kit but he didn't come back so Aoba went to the top floor to search for him.

There, Noiz was standing still, he was being controlled by Morphine and attacks Aoba. Aoba used his power on Noiz and saw Noiz covered with chains. In the good ending, it was revealed that Noiz was a trouble child and was hated by his parents.

This cause him to run away and went to Japan. He got addicted to Rhyme because he can feel a bit of pain. Aoba succeeded in his scrap and Noiz returned to normal. He can also feel pain now. In the end Toue's plan came to light and Noiz was hospitalized.

They had intercourse and after weeks of recovery, Noiz battled Aoba and he lost. I liked where during their battle, Aoba was getting hurt and Noiz shouts that he isn't a sadistic person to see Aoba in pain and so he breaks his defense thus Aoba winning, the guy is so sweet unlike their first meeting. After the battle, Aoba lost connection to him. Three months later, Noiz came to Heibon wearing a formal suit, he said that he went back to his parents and they were slightly glad to see him. He came back to Japan to come and get Aoba.sigh. I really wish Aoba was a girl here xD Noiz did said that he would love Aoba even if Aoba was a woman. Mink went with Aoba to Platinum Jail.

In his route, Aoba mostly get beaten up by Mink because he disobeys him, he even raped Aoba for him to have full control on Aoba. When they infiltrated the tower, they met Toue. Aoba learns that the reason why Mink wants to kill Toue is because he wants revenge, Toue killed Mink's whole family for his research and Mink is the only lone survivor who escaped from him. Mink was about to attack but a man guarding Toue sings and both Mink and Aoba fell unconscious. When Aoba came to, Toue and his bodyguard disappeared.

He sees Mink writhing in pain and so he used scrap. In the bad ending, Aoba helps the people who are about to get killed which causes him to change the past in Mink's mind.

When they got back to the real world. Mink says something about the head is the soul of a human and tries to behead Aoba. Aoba then realizes that they are still in Mink's mind, he tries to escape but he got caught. Mink beheads Aoba in one swoop and holds Aoba's head to touch his forehead.

He said that he will always protect Aoba forever. I'm not sure if this is considered yandere. In the good ending, Aoba prioritizes Mink and found him all chained up.

He succeeded in his scrap and Mink wants to handle Toue alone. Aoba escaped the tower along with Mink's group while Mink stayed at the tower to kill off Toue. When the tower collapsed, Mink didn't return. Days passed and Aoba want to see Mink again. He even got friendly with Mink's group to know more about him.

In the end he decided that he really wants to know more about Mink and so he went to Mink's homeland. In there he found Mink standing. I have mixed feeling in his route because he always beats up Aoba then making love with him. I admit that in this kind of games, I like being the M but beating the partner up is not cool. Also in here, Aoba used mostly his scrap so he can control it just fine. Clear went with Aoba to Platinum Jail.

Clear tries to help Aoba but he always fails. He calls out to the police officers which is bad because they are outsiders and he infiltrated an unknown tower thinking that it was the same tower where they are suppose to go. Clear is so innocent and funny! Aoba got Clear to remove his mask after they were attacked again from a gang they encountered earlier. He has a beautiful face o.o The reason why Clear hides his face was because his grandpa told him that it was different but Aoba doesn't see anything different from a human's face. This made Clear happy. One night, Clear went out and Aoba followed him. Aoba sees Clear talking to two other person who looks exactly like him without the two moles.

One of the man says that they are suppose to get Clear for repair but Clear doesn't want to. Clear attacked the man and his hand sparked. Both of the man laughed and went away thinking that he would die soon anyway. Aoba rushes up to Clear and asked if he's alright. Clear said that his memories returned and he said that he was a man made machine just like the other two who can hurt/control other people through singing. Aoba doesn't care about whether Clear is not a human or not and Clear kissed him out of happiness. They went to the tower to confront Toue.

Toue explained that the reason why Clear isn't healing is because he was programmed to be like that when they fight their kind. One of Clear's 'sibling' went to restrain Aoba while the other destroys Clear. Clear pulls out a knife and was about to strike his head to take out the chip which binds him. Aoba used his scrap to enter Clear's mind. In the good ending, Clear's song worked and his 'siblings' stopped working.

Toue escaped and Aoba runs to Clear wanting to help him. They run away from the tower because it was about to collapse and they went back to Glitter. Aoba wants to repair Clear but he doesn't know if he can do it with his current knowledge and skills. Clear requested Aoba that he wants to touch him, Aoba wants to save him first but he gives in. They had intercourse made love with a machine x.x and after that Clear stopped working. Toue's plan was foiled and Aoba takes Clear's body to his house to try and repair him.

His grandma learned of this after a month and helped him. A year later, Aoba came back home from work and hears a song, he went to see it and sees Clear's form holding an umbrella. I do like Clear but.

You can unlock the true ending where you can get Ren's route and Virus and Trip Route. Of course the story will remain in the beginning except for additional choices where Aoba interacts more with Ren than the other bachelors.

To make the long story short, Ren was infected with a virus when they infiltrated the tower where he attacked Aoba because of it. It was later revealed that Aoba is a man made being and he has a twin brother named Sei. At birth, they thought that Aoba is dead so they just took Sei. Aoba's grandma is one of the scientists, feeling guilty, she took Aoba's unmoving body to be buried but was surprised to see him moving after some time.

She decided to run away with Aoba and put him in the care of a church. In some twist of fate, Aoba's grandma's daughter like and her husband found Aoba in a church and adopted him.

The old granny accepted it and says maybe it was destined to be. The other four bachelors came to help Aoba in the later part of the story. Aoba then was forced in a Rhyme field and the other four followed, thanks to Noiz' hacking the system. Aoba wants to save Ren and so while the others are fighting the securities in Rhyme, Aoba used scrap on Ren. In the good ending, Ren (in human form) came back to his senses and then Toue appeared with his allmate. Usui, the host of Rhyme battles is his allmate and at the same time it is Sei, Aoba's twin brother.

Aoba was conflicted to fight him but in the end, they won. Toue escaped and Aoba together with Ren went into a room where Sei was sitting still. When Sei looked at them, they were in another place where Sei is standing with his whole body in white. He explains that he was the sender of the game applications and wanted to be saved by his brother by killing him. He also explained that Ren is a part of Aoba but Aoba acknowledged Ren as a different person while the third Aoba who wants to destroy is in his body. Aoba accepted him and they become one, after that, Sei wants Aoba to finish him off. Aoba doesn't want to do it but it was the wish of his beloved brother so he ordered Ren to kill him. Sei vanished smiling at Aoba.

The background changes into a beach. Ren requested that he wants to touch Aoba because he cannot do it in the real world so they made love. I'm not really sure how I feel about this because Ren is still originally Aoba. If their is incest then is it selfcest? XD Ren is so hot with his fangs and all. When everything was over and they got back in reality. The tower crashed and Ren (the allmate) isn't the Ren that Aoba knows.

It just turned into an ordinary allmate where it just barks. Months passed and Aoba received a call from the hospital that a person named Sei was admitted. He didn't believed it at first but he went anyway.

The person in the hospital was not Sei but it was Ren (human). Aoba thanked Sei because he knew that it was a gift from Sei. I can't say it was my fave route but it's still good but the feeling of making love with yourself in a different person is just so. I don't how I feel about it. Well, this is my first time playing a BL game and it was very intense. Are all Bl games has sexual intercourse?

My favorite route is Noiz, but I did like Koujaku's route. Noiz' CV is the same CV of Toma in Amnesia and I just love his voice!

. as a whole. Even if Ren's route is not taken, it's always made clear how much Ren means to Aoba.

The most direct example is that Ren is an extremely old-model AllMate, yet Aoba refuses to replace him with another AllMate no matter what. To Aoba, Ren is more than just an AllMate; Ren is his friend as much as he is his family. Other examples that show how protective he is of Ren are his enraged reactions when one, he saw Noiz tampering with Ren and two, when Mink forced him to install a program in Ren that would deactivate the guard Allmates in Oval Tower, which Aoba feared would damage Ren. Koujaku's very awkward confession to Aoba is really cute. Being, Koujaku has an easy time attracting women, but once he realizes that he's in love with his best friend, words fail him. The CG with Koujaku and Aoba awkwardly holding hands and blushing while the former is confessing is both funny and adorable.

Noiz's entire route. Watching them slowly warm up to each other, going from tolerating each other to genuinely falling in love, all while Aoba picks his way through Noiz's world view, and emotional defense he'd had since he was a child is very touching, and Noiz regaining his ability to feel and the honest joy he has in tiny every day things like the warmth of another person's skin is lovely. Noiz's route is very character/emotion-driven and it really shows. So much of Clear's route. Especially Aoba convincing him to take off his mask, promising that no matter what he wouldn't hate him, then assuring him over and over that he's perfectly normal.

Clear is nearly in tears by the end of the scene. Really, the entire route could be considered one. Also Clear's straightforward love confession, followed by a kiss. Aoba isn't yet sure how to respond, so he hugs Clear instead. Despite his route undeniably being the most violent and controversial, after the third time Mink assaulted Aoba, when Aoba wakes up, he sees Mink praying and he wonders what for, before falling back asleep. Right after he did, we briefly see Mink gently holding strands of Aoba's hair.

What it implies is left to the player, but considering how Aoba didn't respond even though his hair is very sensitive to pain, this is a subtle moment that shows despite his usual demeanor. That, and after the many times he horribly treated Aoba, this is the first time he showed him compassion. There is another moment in Mink's route, where Aoba stops him before he sets out to confront Toue. In this scene, Aoba makes one last plea with Mink to not, saying that he doesn't want him to die.

Dramatical Murder Ren

When Mink rebuffs him by saying that he died along with his family, Aoba responds by telling him that he's alive, since Aoba can touch him and he is still breathing. Putting it into perspective, Aoba has received nothing but pain and abuse from Mink, and he has every right to hate the man. But what does he choose to do? He does not wish death on Mink, and encourages him to live on instead.

That takes a lot of heart to do. What's even better is that his words got through to Mink, and he didn't even need to use for it.

In fact, Aoba telling Mink this leaves such a big impression on him that Toue using his to stop Mink does absolutely nothing. Ren's good ending may be the most heartwarming thing Nitro+CHIRAL has done.

In his route, we learn that Koujaku has a habit of holding onto Aoba's hand before he orgasms. The drama CD reveals that he does this to reassure himself of Aoba's existence and that what he's sharing with Aoba is real. Volume 1. Aoba notices that Koujaku has been acting strangely since the mention of a festival that is celebrated to honor the deceased, then when he visits Koujaku's house, he sees the latter in a sullen state. Instead of pressing for answers, Aoba tells Koujaku that he knows he isn't ready to talk yet and he should take as much time as he needs in clearing his thoughts, while assuring Koujaku that he is always there to listen.

It's nice to know how sympathetic and understanding Aoba can be and how he's more than willing to give Koujaku space, when most others would do the exact opposite. After Aoba learns the reason behind Koujaku's habit of holding his hand, he becomes insecure and asks whether Koujaku had done it with anyone else, but denies being jealous. Koujaku then tells him it's alright to get jealous, since regardless of gender, anyone can be apprehensive or self-conscious, and he won't hate Aoba for expressing what he really feels.

Then he says this. Koujaku: No matter what sort of person you are, Aoba, I’d love every part of you. If that makes you happy, then I’m happy too.Volume 3. The entire volume counts as a CMOH. It's very touching to see how far Aoba and Mink have come, especially when you remember how their relationship had started. The atmosphere between the two of them had completely turned from cold, tense, and violent to warm, kind, and loving.

Dramatical Murder Koujaku Route 5

It's almost impossible to believe that the events in the first game had truly happened. The way Mink nurses Aoba whenever the latter shows any signs of illness is heartwarming in itself, and every time Aoba apologizes for inconveniencing Mink in any way, he always gently tells him that there's no need to apologize. One particular moment is when Aoba's fever grew worse. During that time, Mink tends to Aoba and is clearly worried about his health, even taking the day off from work the next day to watch over him. When Aoba starts to feel sleepy, Mink goes into bed beside him, wrapping his arms around Aoba to provide the latter some comfort, with both of them gently bidding each other good night. When you remember Mink's normally stoic nature, seeing him act this tender to Aoba makes this scene all the more sweeter.

What takes the cake, however, is the penultimate track. After Aoba thanks Mink for showing him his homeland, Mink embraces Aoba and states he forgot to tell him something important. What he tells him then afterwards, is essentially equal to a marriage vow, for what he said were words from his tribe that two people would exchange when they wish to spend the rest of their lives together. After the aforementioned scene (along with an emotionally — and physically — intimate moment between them) Aoba asks Mink if they could go back to Midorijima soon; since Mink showed Aoba his home and his past, and Aoba wants to do the same. Needless to say, Mink agrees, and Aoba is close to crying. Without a doubt, their relationship had changed for the better. Just.

Every time Mink addresses Aoba by his name, you know something heartwarming is bound to happen. Even just hearing him say Aoba's name is extremely touching in its own right.

Considering how he never calls anyone by their name in the first game, it's a possible interpretation that to him, calling someone by their name is acknowledging that they're someone important to him. And Aoba has become that and much, much more.Volume 4. Noiz's relationship with Theo, his younger brother, counts. When Noiz was locked in his room as a child, Theo tried to make contact with him numerous times, but was forbidden by his from ever talking to Noiz. This makes Theo the only other person (aside from Aoba) that Noiz has a soft spot towards. Noiz even pointed out that Theo burst into tears when Noiz reappeared in front of his family.

How Theo deeply cares for Noiz is made obvious in the final track, where Theo visits Noiz and reveals that he snapped back at their parents in defense of Noiz, whom they were criticizing for not having found a wife and for living with another man. He goes as far as to point out that they're treating him like they did in the past, and apologizes to Noiz, stating that he could have stood up to them long ago but he was too afraid to do so — with Noiz assuring him that it isn't his fault. Just simply them interacting and clearly appearing to care for the other is touching.Volume 5. The very beginning has Aoba deciding to reveal Ren to everyone.

Everyone present is understandably surprised and confused, and Aoba and Ren are clearly nervous on how they would react. But everyone warmly and kindly welcomes Ren, even expressing joy in seeing him as he is now. It's small, but there is Beni's friendship with Ren. It has been apparent since the very first game, but seeing them interact a lot in this disc shows that even though Ren became human, their relationship hasn't changed one bit, and that alone can make you go 'awwww'. In Koujaku's scene, Koujaku wondered whether he should be really happy now that he is with Aoba, and whether he deserves it. Aoba assures that no matter what, he decided to be with Koujaku, and Koujaku's happiness equals his happiness, which causes Koujaku to smile and say that this is the happiest he could ever be. In Noiz's scene, Noiz and Aoba share a hilarious moment regarding Aoba wearing a suit.

After Noiz abruptly kisses Aoba, a flustered Aoba starts to point out that Noiz is having too much fun, where Noiz then quietly mutters that it's because he's glad about going back to Germany with Aoba by his side. When Aoba asked if he said anything, Noiz naturally denies this, but this makes Aoba smile and they both head out together. Public expenditure composition federalism.

In Mink's scene, Mink searched for Aoba, who had not returned for hours after going out on a hike. After finding him at a cliff, Aoba apologized and wondered if Mink was angry, where Mink only states that Aoba is free to go as he pleases, but to not go anywhere where he can't find him. When pressed, he denies saying anything. After being pressed again as to whether he is angry, Mink answers that he's only worried about losing someone important again, but he won't restrain Aoba because of this. Aoba then assures he won't leave him, since he'll always be by his side. In response, Mink warmly smiles. In Clear's scene, Clear remarks that despite the negative emotions he feels, which surrounds the knowledge that he may outlive Aoba, he is still happy, and regards his time with Aoba as what is most important to him.

And he notes that this feeling may equate to love, and tells Aoba just that. Note Here, he uses ' aishiteru' instead of ' suki', and the former holds a far deeper meaning. Afterwards, Aoba offers that they walk back home while holding hands, which causes Clear to happily agree. In Ren's scene, Ren and Aoba share a sweet moment where Ren lifts up Aoba, since he never got to do that as an Allmate.

In a while, Ren states that what he has now with Aoba is fun, and then begins to mention that despite Sei's death, he feels a faint presence of the latter inside him, surprising Aoba. Ren notes that all of them are now in harmony, with Sei's warmth existing inside him, and Aoba's alternate personality fully merged back with Aoba. Aoba reinforces his words by saying that from here on, they will all be living together.