After very successful, which also had really positive opinions, there comes the fourth, official part of cult series of computer games. The huge realism started by the previous part was something the fans of the mafia underworld liked, so they were encouraged to try out the fourth edition. You can also test it with the use of Grand Theft Auto IV Download mirrors and return to the dangerous world full of crime. This time we personate Nico Belic, the citizen of Eastern Europe, who decides to migrate to the US.

Not easy way ends up on clashing with the world our character wasn’t expected. Try to personate him and accompany him through the difficulties while trying to organize his new, criminal life.Developer and Publisher:Series:Engine:Platforms: Microsoft Windows PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360PC Release date: 2 December 2008Modes: Single-player, multiplayer GTA 4 Download – PC Full Version GameHow to install? Tutorial – Step by Step:It begins with the familyThe family is probably the last motif the player would expect to see while playing the newest part of GTA series. The first employer of our hero is his cousin, who managed to migrate earlier on, and as it turns out, he ruled his relative with a promise of giant dough just because she needed a help. That’s how the storyline shapes, and of course it won’t be linear. The player gets to know local gangs and receive new employers for more and more serious crimes. It begins really innocent but with the development of the storyline, the character is involved in more serious crimes.

He becomes cleverer criminal to the moment when he completely settles in the United States, although not in the way he really wanted. Even more realism?In the game there is a chance to use mobile phone. The player uses it not only to call and answer phones from the employers.

The telephone is also used to send pictures and search the alternate version of the Internet created for the purpose of the game! So, with the use of phone we also change the mode into multiplayer.Get GTA 4 PC Download to see how the graphics changed. Now the player can hope for realistic special effects, fog, smoke, detailed animations of the passers-by, and great modelling of the New York Buildings.Game mechanicsExcept for advanced multiplayer mode, it doesn’t change much.

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The player, as usual, uses the cars but this time to the rich range of possibilities (driving the car, taxi, motorcycle, bike, boat, swimming, flying the plane and helicopter) we can also add the railway. The player has to move around Liberty City, which was mapped on New York, a lot, so he can get to know the area. In the clashes, he uses the various weapons, and employers often set him meetings in many points of the city, where your enemies will be waiting for you. We cannot forget about pursuits with policemen and enemies of other gangs. As usual, there are many interactions waiting for us. Get the game through Grand Theft Auto IV free Download links to steal, kill, demolish streets, as well as enter complex interactions with others without any limitations. Opinions versus expectationsAfter phenomenal previous part, San Andreas that is, the fourth edition had a tough nut to crack.

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It had to pass a very high bar set by the predecessor. The players were thinking what else can be improved in GTA.

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Fortunately for them, the game appeared to be really successful and it gained a lot of high notes. If you liked previous part, you should definitely take a look at GTA 4 Free Download because you will not be disappointed. You should also try multiplayer mode, which lets you play with your allies or play against enemies in a quite real way, while moving on huge, criminal world.

In, there is nothing missing what people from previous versions loved. What’s more, there are new, great solutions to test! GTA IV / Grand Theft Auto IV Download PC Game.