The 4-semester research-orientedmaster's degree (MSc) 'Theoretical Mechanical Engineering' builds onresearch-oriented Mechanical Engineering-oriented undergraduate degree programs(BSc). Required are in-depth knowledge in mathematics and science andengineering fundamentals. The graduates acquire basic research andmethodological oriented content, including interdisciplinary orientation, mechanicalengineering knowledge and associated mechanical engineering expertise todevelop mathematical descriptions, analysis and synthesis of complex technicalsystems methods, products or processes.

In this course, the program combinesthe two most important theoretical and methodological areas, namely thesimulation technology and systems theory. For this purpose, mathematicalfoundations and in-depth knowledge in areas such as the Technical dynamics,control engineering, numerical and structural mechanics are learned. The master'sdegree program in Theoretical Mechanical Engineering prepares its graduates forprofessional and managerial positions in research and development. Through thecourse’s focus on theory-method-oriented content and principles as well asintensive scientific thinking training, graduates are qualified for a widefield of work, especially in the area of mechanical and automotive engineering,biotechnology and medical technology, power engineering, aerospace engineering,shipbuilding, automation, materials science and related fields. The courseis divided into basic research core courses and an application-specificspecialization. In addition to the core subjects and mathematics, students developin-depth knowledge in areas such as technical dynamics, control engineering,numerical and structural mechanics. To deepen the foundations of applicationspecific specializations, modules are selected.

Other technical andnon-technical elective courses may be selected from the range of subjects TUHHand the University of Hamburg. Important Module M0523: Business & ManagementModule ResponsibleProf. Course L0701: Vibration TheoryTypIntegrated LectureHrs/wk4CP6Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time124,Study Time in Lecture56LecturerProf. Norbert HoffmannLanguageDE/ENCycleWiSeContentLinear and Nonlinear Single and Multiple Degree of Freedom Oscillations and Waves.LiteratureK. Sextro: Schwingungen. Physikalische Grundlagen und mathematische Behandlung von Schwingungen.

Springer Verlag, 2013.Module M0808: Finite Elements MethodsCoursesTitleTypHrs/wkCPFinite Element Methods (L0291)Lecture23Finite Element Methods (L0804)Recitation Section (large)23Module ResponsibleProf. Course L0291: Finite Element MethodsTypLectureHrs/wk2CP3Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time62,Study Time in Lecture28LecturerProf.

Otto von EstorffLanguageENCycleWiSeContent- General overview on modern engineering- Displacement method- Hybrid formulation- Isoparametric elements- Numerical integration- Solving systems of equations (statics, dynamics)- Eigenvalue problems- Non-linear systems- Applications- Programming of elements (Matlab, hands-on sessions)- ApplicationsLiteratureBathe, K.-J. (2000): Finite-Elemente-Methoden. Springer Verlag, Berlin. Course L0656: Control Systems Theory and DesignTypLectureHrs/wk2CP4Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time92,Study Time in Lecture28LecturerProf.

Course L0657: Control Systems Theory and DesignTypRecitation Section (small)Hrs/wk2CP2Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time32,Study Time in Lecture28LecturerProf. Herbert WernerLanguageENCycleWiSeContentSee interlocking courseLiteratureSee interlocking courseModule M1204: Modelling and Optimization in DynamicsCoursesTitleTypHrs/wkCPFlexible Multibody Systems (L1632)Lecture23Optimization of dynamical systems (L1633)Lecture23Module ResponsibleProf. Course L0523: Boundary Element MethodsTypLectureHrs/wk2CP3Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time62,Study Time in Lecture28LecturerProf. Otto von EstorffLanguageENCycleSoSeContent- Boundary value problems- Integral equations- Fundamental Solutions- Element formulations- Numerical integration- Solving systems of equations (statics, dynamics)- Special BEM formulations- Coupling of FEM and BEM- Hands-on Sessions (programming of BE routines)- ApplicationsLiteratureGaul, L.; Fiedler, Ch. (1997): Methode der Randelemente in Statik und Dynamik. Vieweg, Braunschweig, WiesbadenBathe, K.-J. (2000): Finite-Elemente-Methoden.

Springer Verlag, Berlin. Course L0576: Numerical Treatment of Ordinary Differential EquationsTypLectureHrs/wk2CP3Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time62,Study Time in Lecture28LecturerProf. Sabine Le Borne, Dr.

Patricio FarrellLanguageDE/ENCycleSoSeContentNumerical methods for Initial Value Problems. single step methods. multistep methods. stiff problems. differential algebraic equations (DAE) of index 1Numerical methods for Boundary Value Problems. multiple shooting method.

difference methods. variational methodsLiterature. E. Wanner: Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I: Nonstiff Problems. E. Wanner: Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II: Stiff and Differential-Algebraic Problems.

Course L0582: Numerical Treatment of Ordinary Differential EquationsTypRecitation Section (small)Hrs/wk2CP3Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time62,Study Time in Lecture28LecturerProf. Sabine Le Borne, Dr. Patricio FarrellLanguageDE/ENCycleSoSeContentSee interlocking courseLiteratureSee interlocking courseModule M1203: Applied Dynamics: Numerical and experimental methodsCoursesTitleTypHrs/wkCPLab Applied Dynamics (L1631)Practical Course33Applied Dynamics (L1630)Lecture23Module ResponsibleProf. Course L0660: Linear and Nonlinear System IdentificationTypLectureHrs/wk2CP3Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time62,Study Time in Lecture28LecturerProf. Herbert WernerLanguageENCycleSoSeContent. Prediction error method.

Linear and nonlinear model structures. Nonlinear model structure based on multilayer perceptron network. Approximate predictive control based on multilayer perceptron network model. Subspace identificationLiterature. Lennart Ljung, System Identification - Theory for the User, Prentice Hall 1999.

M. Poulsen and L.K. Hansen, Neural Networks for Modeling and Control of Dynamic Systems, Springer Verlag, London 2003. T. Kailath, A.H. Hassibi, Linear Estimation, Prentice Hall 2000Module M0657: Computational Fluid Dynamics IICoursesTitleTypHrs/wkCPComputational Fluid Dynamics II (L0237)Lecture23Computational Fluid Dynamics II (L0421)Recitation Section (large)23Module ResponsibleProf.

Thomas RungAdmission RequirementsNoneRecommended Previous KnowledgeBasics of computational and general thermo/fluid dynamicsEducational ObjectivesAfter taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning resultsProfessional CompetenceKnowledgeEstablish a thorough understanding of Finite-Volume approaches. Familiarise with details of the theoretical background of complex CFD algorithms.SkillsAbility to manage of interface problems and build-up of coding skills.

Course L0421: Computational Fluid Dynamics IITypRecitation Section (large)Hrs/wk2CP3Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time62,Study Time in Lecture28LecturerProf. Thomas RungLanguageDE/ENCycleSoSeContentSee interlocking courseLiteratureSee interlocking courseModule M0840: Optimal and Robust ControlCoursesTitleTypHrs/wkCPOptimal and Robust Control (L0658)Lecture23Optimal and Robust Control (L0659)Recitation Section (small)23Module ResponsibleProf.

Iacs seminar:advances the dedalus project: a flexible approach to accurately solving pdes

Course L0658: Optimal and Robust ControlTypLectureHrs/wk2CP3Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time62,Study Time in Lecture28LecturerProf. Course L1873: Design Optimization and Probabilistic Approaches in Structural AnalysisTypLectureHrs/wk2CP3Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time62,Study Time in Lecture28LecturerProf.

Benedikt KriegesmannLanguageDECycleSoSeContentIn thecourse the theoretic basics for design optimization and reliability analysis aretaught, where the focus is on the application of such methods. The lectureswill consist of presentations as well as computer exercises. In the computerexercises, the methods learned will be implemented in Matlab for understandingthe practical realization.The followingcontents will be considered:. Designoptimization.

Gradientbased methods. Geneticalgorithms. Optimizationwith constraints. Topologyoptimization. Reliabilityanalysis.

Stochasticbasics. MonteCarlo methods. Semi-analyticapproaches.

robustdesign optimization. Robustnessmeasures. Couplingof design optimization and reliability analysisLiterature1 Arora, Jasbir. Introductionto Optimum Design. Boston, MA: Academic Press, 2011.2 Haldar, A., and S. Probability,Reliability, and Statistical Methods in Engineering Design.

JohnWiley & Sons New York/Chichester, UK, 2000. Course L0661: Advanced Topics in ControlTypLectureHrs/wk2CP3Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time62,Study Time in Lecture28LecturerProf. Herbert WernerLanguageENCycleWiSeContent. Linear Parameter-Varying (LPV) Gain Scheduling- Linearizing gain scheduling, hidden coupling- Jacobian linearization vs. Course L0662: Advanced Topics in ControlTypRecitation Section (small)Hrs/wk2CP3Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time62,Study Time in Lecture28LecturerProf. The specialization„biotechnology and medical technology“ consists of modules for IntelligentSystems, Robotics and Navigation in medicine, supplemented by Endoprosthesesand Materials and Regenerative Medicine, and completed by the modules Imaging Systemsin medicine and Industrial Image Transformations in electives.

Thus, theacquisition of knowledge and skills in engineering specific aspects ofbiotechnology and medical technology is at the heart of this specialization. Inaddition, subjects in the Technical Supplement Course for TMBMS (accordingFSPO) are freely selectable. Module M1173: Applied StatisticsCoursesTitleTypHrs/wkCPApplied Statistics (L1584)Lecture23Applied Statistics (L1586)Project-/problem-based Learning22Applied Statistics (L1585)Recitation Section (small)11Module ResponsibleProf. Course L1584: Applied StatisticsTypLectureHrs/wk2CP3Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time62,Study Time in Lecture28LecturerProf. Michael MorlockLanguageDE/ENCycleWiSeContentThe goal is to introduce students to the basicstatistical methods and their application to simple problems.

The topics include:. Chi square test. Simple regression and correlation. Multiple regression and correlation. One way analysis of variance. Two way analysis of variance.

Discriminant analysis. Analysis of categorial data. Chossing the appropriate statisticalmethod. Determiningcritical sample sizesLiteratureApplied Regression Analysis and Multivariable Methods,3rd Edition, David G. Kleinbaum Emory University, Lawrence L. Kupper Universityof North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Keith E. Muller University of North Carolinaat Chapel Hill, Azhar Nizam Emory University, Published by Duxbury Press, CB ©1998, ISBN/ISSN: 0-534-20910-6.

Course L1585: Applied StatisticsTypRecitation Section (small)Hrs/wk1CP1Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time16,Study Time in Lecture14LecturerProf. Michael MorlockLanguageDE/ENCycleWiSeContentThe different statistical tests are applied for thesolution of realistic problems using actual data sets and the most common usedcommercial statistical software package (SPSS).LiteratureStudent Solutions Manual forKleinbaum/Kupper/Muller/Nizam's Applied Regression Analysis and MultivariableMethods, 3rd Edition, David G. Kleinbaum Emory University Lawrence L. KupperUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Keith E. Muller University ofNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill, Azhar Nizam Emory University, Published byDuxbury Press, Paperbound © 1998, ISBN/ISSN: 0-534-20913-0Module M1334: BIO II: BiomaterialsCoursesTitleTypHrs/wkCPBiomaterials (L0593)Lecture23Module ResponsibleProf.

Course L0335: Robotics and Navigation in MedicineTypLectureHrs/wk2CP3Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time62,Study Time in Lecture28LecturerProf. Alexander SchlaeferLanguageENCycleSoSeContent- kinematics- calibration- tracking systems- navigation and image guidance- motion compensationThe seminar extends and complements the contents of the lecture with respect to recent research results.LiteratureSpong et al.: Robot Modeling and Control, 2005Troccaz: Medical Robotics, 2012Further literature will be given in the lecture. Course L0336: Robotics and Navigation in MedicineTypRecitation Section (small)Hrs/wk1CP1Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time16,Study Time in Lecture14LecturerProf. Alexander SchlaeferLanguageENCycleSoSeContentSee interlocking courseLiteratureSee interlocking courseModule M0548: Bioelectromagnetics: Principles and ApplicationsCoursesTitleTypHrs/wkCPBioelectromagnetics: Principles and Applications (L0371)Lecture35Bioelectromagnetics: Principles and Applications (L0373)Recitation Section (small)21Module ResponsibleProf. Christian SchusterAdmission RequirementsNoneRecommended Previous KnowledgeBasic principles of physicsEducational ObjectivesAfter taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning resultsProfessional CompetenceKnowledgeStudents can explain the basic principles, relationships, and methods of bioelectromagnetics, i.e.

The quantification and application of electromagnetic fields in biological tissue. They can define and exemplify the most important physical phenomena and order them corresponding to wavelength and frequency of the fields. They can give an overview over measurement and numerical techniques for characterization of electromagnetic fields in practical applications. They can give examples for therapeutic and diagnostic utilization of electromagnetic fields in medical technology.SkillsStudents know how to apply various methods to characterize the behavior of electromagnetic fields in biological tissue.

In order to do this they can relate to and make use of the elementary solutions of Maxwell’s Equations. They are able to assess the most important effects that these models predict for biological tissue, they can order the effects corresponding to wavelength and frequency, respectively, and they can analyze them in a quantitative way. They are able to develop validation strategies for their predictions. They are able to evaluate the effects of electromagnetic fields for therapeutic and diagnostic applications and make an appropriate choice.Personal CompetenceSocial CompetenceStudents are able to work together on subject related tasks in small groups. They are able to present their results effectively in English (e.g. During small group exercises).AutonomyStudents are capable to gather information from subject related, professional publications and relate that information to the context of the lecture. They are able to make a connection between their knowledge obtained in this lecture with the content of other lectures (e.g.

Theory of electromagnetic fields, fundamentals of electrical engineering / physics). They can communicate problems and effects in the field of bioelectromagnetics in English.Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time110,Study Time in Lecture70Credit points6StudienleistungCompulsoryBonusFormDescriptionYes10%PresentationExaminationOral examExamination duration and scale45 minAssignment for the Following CurriculaElectrical Engineering: Specialisation Microwave Engineering, Optics, and Electromagnetic Compatibility: Elective CompulsoryElectrical Engineering: Specialisation Medical Technology: Elective CompulsoryInternational Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Course L0371: Bioelectromagnetics: Principles and ApplicationsTypLectureHrs/wk3CP5Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time108,Study Time in Lecture42LecturerProf. Course L0373: Bioelectromagnetics: Principles and ApplicationsTypRecitation Section (small)Hrs/wk2CP1Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time2,Study Time in Lecture28LecturerProf. Course L1695: Numerical Methods for Medical ImagingTypRecitation Section (small)Hrs/wk2CP3Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time62,Study Time in Lecture28LecturerProf. Tobias KnoppLanguageDECycleWiSeContentSee interlocking courseLiteratureSee interlocking courseModule M0921: Electronic Circuits for Medical ApplicationsCoursesTitleTypHrs/wkCPElectronic Circuits for Medical Applications (L0696)Lecture23Electronic Circuits for Medical Applications (L1056)Recitation Section (small)12Electronic Circuits for Medical Applications (L1408)Practical Course11Module ResponsibleProf. Course L0680: Microsystem EngineeringTypLectureHrs/wk2CP4Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time92,Study Time in Lecture28LecturerProf.

Manfred KasperLanguageENCycleWiSeContentObject and goal of MEMSScaling RulesLithographyFilm depositionStructuring and etchingEnergy conversion and force generationElectromagnetic ActuatorsReluctance motorsPiezoelectric actuators, bi-metal-actuatorTransducer principlesSignal detection and signal processingMechanical and physical sensorsAcceleration sensor, pressure sensorSensor arraysSystem integrationYield, test and reliabilityLiteratureM. Kasper: Mikrosystementwurf, Springer (2000)M. Madou: Fundamentals of Microfabrication, CRC Press (1997). Course L0682: Microsystem EngineeringTypProject-/problem-based LearningHrs/wk2CP2Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time32,Study Time in Lecture28LecturerProf. Manfred KasperLanguageENCycleWiSeContentExamples of MEMS componentsLayout considerationElectric, thermal and mechanical behaviourDesign aspectsLiteratureWird in der Veranstaltung bekannt gegebenModule M0623: Intelligent Systems in MedicineCoursesTitleTypHrs/wkCPIntelligent Systems in Medicine (L0331)Lecture23Intelligent Systems in Medicine (L0334)Project Seminar22Intelligent Systems in Medicine (L0333)Recitation Section (small)11Module ResponsibleProf. Alexander SchlaeferAdmission RequirementsNoneRecommended Previous Knowledge.

principles of math (algebra, analysis/calculus). principles of stochastics. principles of programming, Java/C and R/Matlab.

advanced programming skillsEducational ObjectivesAfter taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning resultsProfessional CompetenceKnowledgeThe students are able to analyze and solve clinical treatment planning and decision support problems using methods for search, optimization, and planning. They are able to explain methods for classification and their respective advantages and disadvantages in clinical contexts. The students can compare different methods for representing medical knowledge. They can evaluate methods in the context of clinical data and explain challenges due to the clinical nature of the data and its acquisition and due to privacy and safety requirements.SkillsThe students can give reasons for selecting and adapting methods for classification, regression, and prediction.

They can assess the methods based on actual patient data and evaluate the implemented methods.Personal CompetenceSocial CompetenceThe students discuss the results of other groups, provide helpful feedback and can incoorporate feedback into their work.AutonomyThe students can reflect their knowledge and document the results of their work. Course L0331: Intelligent Systems in MedicineTypLectureHrs/wk2CP3Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time62,Study Time in Lecture28LecturerProf. The focus of the specialization„energy technology“ lies on the acquisition of knowledge and skills on aneconomically and ecologically sensible provision of electricity, heating and cooolingon the basis of conventional and renewable energy systems.

Iacs Seminar: The Dedalus Project: A Flexible Approach To Accurately Solving Pdes

This is madepossible by modules in the areas of fluid mechanics and ocean energy, solarenergy, electric energy, heating technology, air conditioners, power plants,steam and Cogeneration and combustion technology electives. In addition,subjects in the Technical Supplement Course for TMBMS (according FSPO) arefreely selectable. Module M0742: Thermal EngineeringCoursesTitleTypHrs/wkCPThermal Engineering (L0023)Lecture35Thermal Engineering (L0024)Recitation Section (large)11Module ResponsibleProf.

Gerhard SchmitzAdmission RequirementsNoneRecommended Previous KnowledgeTechnical Thermodynamics I, II, Fluid Dynamics, Heat TransferEducational ObjectivesAfter taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning resultsProfessional CompetenceKnowledgeStudents know the different energy conversion stages and the difference between efficiency and annual efficiency. They have increased knowledge in heat and mass transfer, especially in regard to buildings and mobile applications.

They are familiar with German energy saving code and other technical relevant rules. They know to differ different heating systems in the domestic and industrial area and how to control such heating systems. They are able to model a furnace and to calculate the transient temperatures in a furnace.

They have the basic knowledge of emission formations in the flames of small burners and how to conduct the flue gases into the atmosphere. They are able to model thermodynamic systems with object oriented languages.SkillsStudents are able to calculate the heating demand for different heating systems and to choose the suitable components. They are able to calculate a pipeline network and have the ability to perform simple planning tasks, regarding solar energy.

They can write Modelica programs and can transfer research knowledge into practice. Course L0024: Thermal EngineeringTypRecitation Section (large)Hrs/wk1CP1Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time16,Study Time in Lecture14LecturerProf. Gerhard SchmitzLanguageDECycleWiSeContentSee interlocking courseLiteratureSee interlocking courseModule M1235: Electrical Power Systems ICoursesTitleTypHrs/wkCPElectrical Power Systems I (L1670)Lecture34Electrical Power Systems I (L1671)Recitation Section (large)22Module ResponsibleProf. Christian BeckerAdmission RequirementsNoneRecommended Previous KnowledgeFundamentals of Electrical EngineeringEducational ObjectivesAfter taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning resultsProfessional CompetenceKnowledgeStudents are able to give an overview of conventional and modern electric power systems.

Course L1670: Electrical Power Systems ITypLectureHrs/wk3CP4Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time78,Study Time in Lecture42LecturerProf. Course L1671: Electrical Power Systems ITypRecitation Section (large)Hrs/wk2CP2Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time32,Study Time in Lecture28LecturerProf. Course L1287: Steam turbines in energy, environmental and Power Train EngineeringTypRecitation Section (small)Hrs/wk1CP1Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time16,Study Time in Lecture14LecturerDr. Christian ScharfetterLanguageDECycleWiSeContentSee interlocking courseLiteratureSee interlocking courseModule M0512: Use of Solar EnergyCoursesTitleTypHrs/wkCPEnergy Meteorology (L0016)Lecture11Energy Meteorology (L0017)Recitation Section (small)11Collector Technology (L0018)Lecture22Solar Power Generation (L0015)Lecture22Module ResponsibleProf. Martin KaltschmittAdmission RequirementsNoneRecommended Previous KnowledgenoneEducational ObjectivesAfter taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning resultsProfessional CompetenceKnowledgeWith the completion of this module, students will be able to deal with technical foundations and current issues and problems in the field of solar energy and explain and evaulate these critically in consideration of the prior curriculum and current subject specific issues.

In particular they can professionally describe the processes within a solar cell and explain the specific features of application of solar modules. Furthermore, they can provide an overview of the collector technology in solar thermal systems.SkillsStudents can apply the acquired theoretical foundations of exemplary energy systems using solar radiation. In this context, for example they can assess and evaluate potential and constraints of solar energy systems with respect to different geographical assumptions. They are able to dimension solar energy systems in consideration of technical aspects and given assumptions. Using module-comprehensive knowledge students can evalute the economic and ecologic conditions of these systems. They can select calculation methods within the radiation theory for these topics.Personal CompetenceSocial CompetenceStudents are able to discuss issues in the thematic fields in the renewable energy sector addressed within the module.AutonomyStudents can independently exploit sources and acquire the particular knowledge about the subject area with respect to emphasis fo the lectures. Furthermore, with the assistance of lecturers, they can discrete use calculation methods for analysing and dimensioning solar energy systems.

Based on this procedure they can concrete assess their specific learning level and can consequently define the further workflow.Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time96,Study Time in Lecture84Credit points6StudienleistungNoneExaminationWritten examExamination duration and scale3 hours written examAssignment for the Following CurriculaEnergy and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Energy and Environmental Engineering: Elective CompulsoryEnergy Systems: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective CompulsoryInternational Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Renewable Energy: Elective CompulsoryInternational Management and Engineering: Specialisation II.

Energy and Environmental Engineering: Elective CompulsoryRenewable Energies: Core qualification: CompulsoryTheoretical Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective CompulsoryTheoretical Mechanical Engineering: Technical Complementary Course: Elective CompulsoryProcess Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory. Course L0220: Combined Heat and Power and Combustion TechnologyTypRecitation Section (large)Hrs/wk1CP1Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time16,Study Time in Lecture14LecturerProf. Alfons KatherLanguageDECycleSoSeContentSee interlocking courseLiteratureSee interlocking courseModule M1182: Technical Elective Course for TMBMS (according to Subject Specific Regulations)CoursesTitleTypHrs/wkCPModule ResponsibleProf. Course L1563: TurbomachinesTypRecitation Section (large)Hrs/wk1CP2Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time46,Study Time in Lecture14LecturerProf. Franz JoosLanguageDECycleSoSeContentSee interlocking courseLiteratureSee interlocking courseModule M0721: Air ConditioningCoursesTitleTypHrs/wkCPAir Conditioning (L0594)Lecture35Air Conditioning (L0595)Recitation Section (large)11Module ResponsibleProf.

Gerhard SchmitzAdmission RequirementsNoneRecommended Previous KnowledgeTechnical Thermodynamics I, II, Fluid Dynamics, Heat TransferEducational ObjectivesAfter taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning resultsProfessional CompetenceKnowledgeStudents know the different kinds of air conditioning systems for buildings and mobile applications and how these systems are controlled. They are familiar with the change of state of humid air and are able to draw the state changes in a h1+x,x-diagram. They are able to calculate the minimum airflow needed for hygienic conditions in rooms and can choose suitable filters. They know the basic flow pattern in rooms and are able to calculate the air velocity in rooms with the help of simple methods. They know the principles to calculate an air duct network.

They know the different possibilities to produce cold and are able to draw these processes into suitable thermodynamic diagrams. They know the criteria for the assessment of refrigerants.SkillsStudents are able to configure air condition systems for buildings and mobile applications. They are able to calculate an air duct network and have the ability to perform simple planning tasks, regarding natural heat sources and heat sinks. They can transfer research knowledge into practice.

Course L0214: Steam GeneratorsTypRecitation Section (large)Hrs/wk1CP1Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time16,Study Time in Lecture14LecturerProf. Alfons KatherLanguageDECycleSoSeContentSee interlocking courseLiteratureSee interlocking courseModule M0511: Electricity Generation from Wind and Hydro PowerCoursesTitleTypHrs/wkCPRenewable Energy Projects in Emerged Markets (L0014)Project Seminar11Hydro Power Use (L0013)Lecture11Wind Turbine Plants (L0011)Lecture23Wind Energy Use - Focus Offshore (L0012)Lecture11Module ResponsibleDr.

Joachim GerthAdmission RequirementsNoneRecommended Previous KnowledgeModule: Technical Thermodynamics I,Module: Technical Thermodynamics II,Module: Fundamentals of Fluid MechanicsEducational ObjectivesAfter taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning resultsProfessional CompetenceKnowledgeBy ending this module students can explain in detail knowledge of wind turbines with a particular focus of wind energy use in offshore conditions and can critical comment these aspects in consideration of current developments. Furthermore, they are able to describe fundamentally the use of water power to generate electricity. Course L0014: Renewable Energy Projects in Emerged MarketsTypProject SeminarHrs/wk1CP1Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time16,Study Time in Lecture14LecturerProf. Course L0011: Wind Turbine PlantsTypLectureHrs/wk2CP3Workload in HoursIndependent Study Time62,Study Time in Lecture28LecturerDr. Rudolf ZellermannLanguageDECycleSoSeContent. Historical development.Wind: origins, geographic and temporal distribution, locations.Power coefficient, rotor thrust.Aerodynamics of the rotor.Operating performance.Power limitation, partial load, pitch and stall control.Plant selection, yield prediction, economy.ExcursionLiteratureGasch, R., Windkraftanlagen, 4.Auflage, Teubner-Verlag, 2005.

Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceTable of contents for issues of Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceLast update:Thu Mar 22 09:49:48 MDT 2018I. Herman The Use of Projective Geometry inComputer Graphics.H. Bodlaender andJ. Gilbert andH. Hafsteinsson andT. Kloks Approximating treewidth, pathwidth andminimum elimination tree height.B.

Courcelle andM. Mosbah Monadic second-order evaluations ontree-decomposable graphs.R. Heckmann andR. Klasing andB. Unger Optimal embedding of complete binarytrees into lines and grids.Y. Hayashi Graph rewriting systems and theirapplication to network reliabilityanalysis.A. Zundorf Nondeterministic control structures forgraph rewriting systems.M.

Andries andJ. Paredaens A language for genericgraph-transformations.R. Haberstroh Attributed elementary programmed graphgrammars.E.

Ihler The complexity of approximating theclass Steiner tree problem.Z. Lonc On the complexity of some chain andantichain partition problems.J. Czyzowicz andE. Rivera-Campo andN. Santoro andJ.

Urrutia andJ. Zaks Tight bounds for the rectangular artgallery problem.L.

Mitchell andT. Roos Voronoi diagrams of moving points in theplane.T. Shoudai andS. Miyano Using maximal independent sets to solveproblems in parallel.Z. Pantziou andP. Spirakis andC. Zaroliagis Fast parallel algorithms for coloringrandom graphs.X.

Bunke Optimal vertex ordering of a graph andits application to symmetry detectionO. Vrto Edge separators for graphs of boundedgenus with applications.D.-Z. Lyuu andD.-F. Hsu Line digraph iterations and the spreadconcept - with application to graphtheory, fault tolerance, and routing.L. Kucera A generalized encryption scheme based onrandom graphs.E. Feuerstein andA. Marchetti-Spaccamela Dynamic algorithms for shortest paths inplanar graphs.I.

Stewart Complete problems for logspace involvinglexicographic first paths in graphs.T. Takaoka A new upper bound on the complexity ofthe all pairs shortest path problem.O. Vrto On the crossing number of the hypercubeand the cube connected cycles.P. Damaschke Logic arrays for interval indicatorfunctions.E.

Stohr On the broadcast time of the Butterflynetwork.H. Bodlaender On disjoint cycles.A.

Brandstadt Short disjoint cycles in cubicbridgeless graphs.G. Makanin Investigations on Equations in a FreeGroup.A. Koscielski An Analysis of Makanin's AlgorithmDeciding Solvability of Equations inFree Groups.H. Abdulrab Implementation of Makanin's AlgorithmK. Schulz Makanin's Algorithm for Word Equations- Two Improvements and aGeneralization.F.

Baader Unification Theory.A. Bockmayr Algebraic and Logic Aspects ofUnification.A. Bockmayr Model-Theoretic Aspects of UnificationA. Sakai Complete Equational Unification Based onan Extension of the Knuth-BendixCompletion Procedure.F. Baader Unification in Varieties of CompletelyRegular Semigroups.R. Book A Note on Confluent Thue Systems.C. Wrathall Confluence of One-Rule Thue Systems.J.

Karhumaki Systems of Equations over a Finite Setof Words and Automata Theory (extendedabstract).A. Makanina New System of Defining Relations of theBraid Group.O.

Danvy Back to direct style.F. Henglein Dynamic typing: syntax and proof theoryM. Jones A theory of qualified types.J. Larcheveque Interprocedural type propagation forobject-oriented languages.C.

Hunt Approximate fixed points in abstractinterpretation.J. Launchbury Reversing abstract interpretations.F. Nielson andH. Nielson The tensor product in Wadler's analysisof lists.A. Cheese Parallel Execution of Parlog.G. Panwar Distributed Execution of Actor ProgramsS. Hiranandani andK.

Kennedy andC. Koelbel andU.

Kremer andC.-W. Tseng An Overview of the Fortran D ProgrammingSystem.J. Jain The Interaction of the Formal and thePractical in Parallel ProgrammingEnvironment Development: CODE.D. Anderson Hierarchical Concurrency in Jade.R.

Eigenmann andJ. Hoeflinger andZ.

Padua Experience in the AutomaticParallelization of FourPerfect-Benchmark Programs.J. Snyder Programming SIMPLE for ParallelPortability.Z. Ariola andArvind Compilation of Id.R. Johnson andW. Pingali An Executable Representation of Distanceand Direction.S.

Hennessy Integrating Scalar Optimization andParallelization.M. Polychronopoulos Optimization of Data/Control Conditionsin Task Graphs.D. Callahan Recognizing and Parallelizing BoundedRecurrences.C.-H. Sadayappan Communication-Free HyperplanePartitioning of Nested Loops.L.-C.

Chen Parallelizing Loops with Indirect ArrayReferences or Pointers.A. Nicolau andR. Potasman andH. Wang Register Allocation, Renaming and TheirImpact on Fine-Grain Parallelism.B.

Rau Data Flow and Dependence Analysis forInstruction Level Parallelism.A. Klappholz Extending Conventional Flow Analysis toDeal with Array References.M. Furnari andC. Polychronopoulos Run-Time Management of Lisp Parallelismand the Hierarchical Task Graph ProgramRepresentation.H.

Kasahara andH. Fujiwara andS. Narita A Multi-Grain Parallelizing CompilationScheme for OSCAR.J. Labarta andE. Ayguade andJ. Llaberia Balanced Loop Partitioning Using GTS.J. Lu An Iteration Partition Approach forCache or Local Memory Thrashing onParallel Processing.J.

Ferrante andV. Thrash On Estimating and Enhancing CacheEffectiveness.Y.-J. Dietz Reduction of Cache Coherence Overhead byCompiler Data Layout and LoopTransformation.G. Ning Loop Storage Optimization for DataflowMachines.R. Pinter Optimal Partitioning of Programs forData Flow Machines.N. Carriero andD. Gelernter A Foundation for Advanced Compile-timeAnalysis of Linda Programs.H.

Srinivasan andM. Wolfe Analyzing Programs with ExplicitParallelism.M. Flynn Scalable Cache Coherence for SharedMemory Multiprocessors.M. Wolfe New Program Restructuring Technology.T. Liu Data Parallel Program Design.Ch. Lauwereins andJ. Peperstraete A Powerful High-Level Debugger forParallel Programs.E.

Warren The PCP/PFP Programming Models on theBBN TC2000.B. Chapman andH.

Herbeck Knowledge-Based Parallelization forDistributed Memory Systems.M. Moritsch Parallelization for Multiprocessors withMemory Hierarchies.A. Hammerslag andD. Jablonowski Trace View: A Trace Visualization ToolA. Weininger andTh. Schnekenburger andM. Friedrich Parallel and Distributed ProgrammingWith ParMod-C.P.

Brezany andV. Sipkova Code Generation for a Data Parallel SIMDLanguage.M. Srinivasan Data Structures for Optimizing Programswith Explicit Parallelism.W. Diestelkamp andH. Bottcher MODULA-S: A Language to Exploit TwoDimensional Parallelism.M.

Philippsen andW. Tichy MODULA-2 and Its Compilation.J. Merlin ADAPTing Fortran 90 Array Programs forDistributed Memory Architectures.M. Reymond Evolution of Massive Parallel ComputeServers from a Research Object to aProduction Pool.S. Tripathi andG.

Serazzi andD. Ghosal Processor Scheduling in MultiprocessorSystems.F. Makedon andA.

Simvonis Multipacket Routing on Rings.G. Vesztergombi andF.

Rohrbach Massively Parallel Processing in HighEnergy Physics: The CERN-MPPC ProjectH.-U. Wiesenfarth A Heuristic Algorithm for Dynamic TaskAllocation in Highly Parallel SystemsH. Ilmberger andS.

Thurmel Analysis of Parallel Lisp Programs Basedon a Trace Mechanism.U. Glasser andG. Hannesen andM. Karcher andG. Lehrenfeld A Distributed Implementation of FlatConcurrent Prolog on Multi-TransputerEnvironments.J.-M Jacquet Negation in Conclog.P. Wang Symbolic Computation and ParallelSoftware.D.

Wang On the Parallelization ofCharacteristic-Set-Based Algorithms.P. Lippitsch andK. Posch Multiplication as Parallel as PossibleJ. Zerovnik On the Existence of an EfficientParallel Algorithm for a Graph TheoreticProblem.W. Kuchlin On the Multi-Threaded Computation ofModular Polynomial Greatest CommonDivisors.D. Hawley A Buchberger Algorithm for DistributedMemory Multiprocessors.K.

Schulten Computational Biology on MassivelyParallel Machines.G. Knirsch Time-Parallel Multigrid in anExtrapolation Method for Time-DependentPartial Differential Equations.F. Breitenecker andG. Schuster andI. Husinsky andJ.

Fritscher Parallelization of Simulation Tasks:Methodology - Implementation -Application.H. Kamal Parallel Algorithms for Stress Analysison Shared-Memory Multiprocessors.S. Robert Elastic Load-Balancing for ImageProcessing Algorithms.Yves Bekkers andLucien Ungaro Real-Time Memory Management for PrologM. Belmesk A Process Semantics of Logic ProgramsEgon Borger andElvinia Riccobene Logical Operational Semantics of Parlog:Part II: Or-Parallelism.Egon Borger andDean Rosenzweig WAM Algebras - A Mathematical Study ofImplementation: Part II.A. Bondarenko Abductive Systems for Non-monotonicReasoning.Vladimir B. Borshchev Properties of Algorithmic Operators.Dmitri Yu.

Boulanger Deep Logic Program Transformation UsingAbstract Interpretation.Antonio Brogi andEvelina Lamma andPaola Mello Objects in a Logic Programming FrameworkFrancois Bry andRainer Manthey andBern Martens Integrity Verification in KnowledgeBases.Stefania Costantini andGaetano Lanzarone On Procedural Semantics of MetalevelNegation.Eugene Dantsin Probabilistic Logic Programs and TheirSemantics.Bart Demoen andAndre Marien Implementation of Prolog as BinaryDefinite Programs.A. Dikowski Prolog Semantics for Measuring SpaceConsumption.Wai-Keong Foong Or-Parallel Prolog with Heuristic TaskDistribution.Hans-Gunther Hein andManfred Meyer A WAM Compilation Scheme.Martin C. Henson Safe Positive Induction in theProgramming Logic TK.S. Ivanets andN. Ilinsky andM. Krylov WAM Specification for Parallel Executionon SIMD computer.G. Janssens andM.

Bruynooghe On Abstracting the Procedural Behaviourof Logic Programs.Norbert Kehrer andGustaf Neumann Treating Enhanced Entity RelationshipModels in a Declarative Style.Eugeny L. Kitaev Processing of Ground Regular Terms inProlog.Andrei Mantsivoda andVyacheslav Petukhin Compiling Flang.Manfred Meyer andHans-Gunther Hein andJorg Muller FIDO: Finite Domain ConsistencyTechniques in Logic Programming.Pierangelo Miglioli andUgo Moscato andMario Ornaghi A Constructive Logic Approach toDatabase Theory.Dale Miller Abstract Syntax and Logic ProgrammingVladimir S. Neiman Deduction Search with Generalized TermsGustaf Neumann A Simple Transformation fromProlog-Written Metalevel Interpretersinto Compilers and its ImplementationMichel Parigot Free Deduction: An Analysis of``Computations' in Classical Logic.Aida Pliuskeviciene Gentzen-type Calculi for Modal Logic S4with Barcan Formula.Regimantas Pliuskevicius Logical Foundation for Logic ProgrammingBased on First Order Linear TemporalLogic.David M. Powers Logic Programming with Pseudo-ResolutionT. Reynolds andP. Kefals BRAVE: An OR-Parallel Dialect of Prologand its Application to ArtificialIntelligence.Francesco Russo andMirko Sancassani A Declarative Debugging Environment forDATALOG.Jurate Sakalauskaite A Sequent Calculus for a First OrderLinear Temporal Logic with Explicit TimeP.

Sebillot A Logical-Based Language for FeatureSpecification and Transmission ControlPaul Tarau Program Transformations and WAM-Supportfor the Compilation of DefiniteMetaprograms.Wiebe van der Hoek Some Considerations on the Logic Psub FD - A Logic Combining Modality andProbability.Andrei Voronkov Logic Programming with BoundedQuantifiers.S. MacGinnes How Objective is Object-OrientedAnalysis.T.

Maltzahn andM. Jarke Integrating Object and Agent Worlds.P. Pfeffer A Fully Integrated ProgrammingEnvironment for an Object-OrientedDatabase.L.

Carapuca Automatic Generation of Documentationfor Information Systems.A. Solvberg A Framework for Performance EngineeringDuring Information System DevelopmentC-C D. Poo A Framework for Software Maintenance.R. Capelli andA.

Pirovano andA. Romboli The SOL Object-Oriented DatabaseLanguage.E. Andonoff andC.

Sallaberry andG. Zurfluh Interactive Design of Object-OrientedDatabases.B. Wuwongse Conceptual Graphs as a Framework forDeductive Object-Oriented Databases.S. Holden A Knowledge Based Technique for theProcess Modelling of InformationSystems: The Object Life Cycle DiagramJ.-L. Hainaut andM. Cadelli andB.

Decuyper andO. Marchand Database CASE Tool Architecture:Principles for Flexible DesignStrategies.M.

Gaines The Synthesis of Knowledge Engineeringand Software Engineering.J. Hagelstein andD. Roelants Reconciling Operational and DeclarativeSpecifications.M. Leonard andI. Prince NelleN: A Framework for Literate DataModelling.C. Rolland andC.

Iacs Seminar:advances The Dedalus Project: A Flexible Approach To Accurately Solving Pdes

Proix A Natural Language Approach forRequirements Engineering.G. Vrain Building a Tool for Software CodeAnalysis: A Machine Learning ApproachA. Sutcliffe andN.

Maiden Supporting Component Matching forSoftware Reuse.P. Constantopoulos andE. Pataki A Browser for Software Reuse.E.

Du Bois andA. Rifaut Elaborating, Structuring and ExpressingFormal Requirements of Composite SystemsO.

Bear OASIS: An Object-Oriented SpecificationLanguage.A. Ter Hofstede andH. Proper andTh. Van der Weide Data Modelling in Complex ApplicationDomains.D. Friel Augmenting the Design ProcessTransformations from Abstract DesignRepresentations.S. Dewal A Methodology for Requirements Analysisand Evaluation of SDEs.F.

Reim Organizational Integration of theInformation System Design Process.H. Dalianis A Method for Validating a ConceptualModel by Natural Language DiscourseGeneration.T.

McCormack Automated Validation of ConceptualSchema Constraints.M. Gray An Approach to Eliciting the Semanticsof Relational Databases.A. Verrijn-Stuart andG.

Ramackers Model Integration in InformationPlanning Tools.P. Sleat IDRIS: Interactive Design of ReactiveInformation Systems.I. Comyn-Wattiau andM. Bouzeghoub Constraint Confrontation: An ImportantStep in View Integration.M.

Brough Methods for CASE: A Generic FrameworkM. Gustafsson andK. Smolander andL.-A. Johansson andK. Lyytinen Metamodeling Editor as a Front End Toolfor a CASE Shell.F. Oquendo andJ.-D. Griffiths A Meta-CASE Environment for SoftwareProcess-Centred CASE Environments.M.

Casanova andA. Hemerly andA. Furtado A Declarative Conceptual ModellingLanguage: Description and ExampleApplications.D. Olive A Method for Reasoning About DeductiveConceptual Models of Information SystemsN. Mecchia andG.