1. Raspberry Thin Client Rdp Update
  2. Best Thin Client For Rdp

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Then 'sudo su' after it reboots. upgrade the os, 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade'.


add your favorite desktop client, for this I use rdesktop 'apt-get install rdesktop'. add a remote desktop user 'useradd -d /home/rdesk -m rdesk'. change that users password, dont worry you dont have to give it to anyone. 'passwd rdesk'. login as that user once and 'touch.xinitrc' and 'touch.bashlogin'. nano or vi the.bashloginexport MAC=`cat /sys/class/net/eth0/address sed s/://g`#!/usr/bin/env bashwhile:dostartxsleep 1donenano or vi.xinitrc and add the following but correct the domain info #!/usr/bin/env bashexec rdesktop -f $MAC.brokerage.mydomain.domain.

create the 'brokerage' subdomain for your domain. grab the mac from the pi and match it to the IP or CNAME you want the pi to rdp to. In the future you will use DNS to broker connects from rpi's to vm's. test it out by logging in normally.

Raspberry Thin Client Rdp Update

If it works it shouldnt let you quit without some fancy keyboard skills.lets get windows to not drop connections when no one is logged in. Goto HKLM/SYSTEM/CONTROL/Terminal server/winstations/rdp-tcpadd 'LogonTimeout' (DWORD) set the value to 2 billionish.now lets get the pi to login without a password.ssh into the pi as pi and sudo su.goto /etc and nano inittabput a # in front of this.

1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty -noclear 38400 tty1and create a new one that looks like this. 1:2345:respawn:/bin/login -f rdesk tty1 /dev/tty1 2&1now reboot. It should auto rdp to the system, and anytime you quit or cancel it should take you back to a fresh rdp screen.you can use this in conjunction with virtualbox's rdp consoles to avoid MS licensing snafu'sfor administration you can still SSH in as the PI user. Just to give a balance to the negativity here, it sounds like a really cool setup for a test lab or a hobby. And it's awesome that you're willing to share the results of your hard work here. The reason for the negativity is that most of the actual sysadmins commenting here are tasked with setting up reliable, industry-standard solutions for their clients, and frankly, a Raspberry Pi is just simply not that.

Best Thin Client For Rdp

This may be better received in, though. I'm sure there are plenty of people who would love to have a terminal from which to remote into their servers.