  1. Star Wars Battlefront Beta
  2. Star Wars Battlefront Greedo Shine Time

Tie-in comic Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, released ahead of the soon to open theme park expansion at the Disneyland and Walt Disney World resorts, reveals a mini-prequel to Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope.Galaxy’s Edge #2 returns to the end of the Clone Wars. On the planet Mygeeto, Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi is murdered by Stormtroopers commanded to execute Order 66. In present day, a First Order officer confronts in his Den of Antiquities, a shop containing located within Black Spire Outpost on the remote planet Batuu. The officer holds the lightsaber once belonged to Ki-Adi-Mundi. He ignites the blue laser sword as he threatens Dok-Ondar, who says he’s simply a humble store proprietor with nothing but respect for the First Order.“Your den is renowned across the galaxy for being the place to acquire just about any relic or symbol of consequence. For the right price,” the officer says. “The type of place Resistance spies might seek out if they were looking for something to help turn the tide of the war — a Jedi weapon perhaps.”.

Star Wars Battlefront Beta

Star Wars Battlefront Greedo

In Batuu’s spaceport, the confrontation is watched by a trio of thieves: Kendoh, Wooro, and Remex, a Clawdite capable of shapeshifting. The thieves seek a fabled relic feared by even Dok-Ondar, and hope his encounter with the First Order will spook him into take the relic out of hiding for relocation.Both Remex and Kendoh hope to win the other half of the relic to score enough credits to get out of dodge, far from the First Order.Back on Mygeeto, years ago, Vice Chairman Anolo of the Banking Clan plans to wage war against the Hutts for access to their smuggling routes. Anolo has cybernetic ally enhanced a Givin, a species known for their mathematical prowess, as a code breaker. Anolo has Ki-Adi-Mundi’s lightsaber on display as a prize — and a reminder of the extinct Jedi, who “focused on the wrong kind of power.”. Anolo commands his forces to defend against the attack from the Hutt.

He cannot let the Givin fall into their hands lest they tip the balance of the trade wars.The Givin realizes the assassination attempt drove them to a less protected area of the compound, away from most of Anolo’s guards. As Greedo and Takvaa open fire on Anolo’s armed forces, he commands the Givin be captured alive and taken to Jabba. Greedo executes Anolo and abducts his prize codebreaker.The Givin calculates the odds of escape at less than ten percent.

When Greedo threatens to kill the annoying Givin, he calls his bluff: Jabba knows the Givin’s brain is synced to the Imperial algorithm that generates security codes, and his possessing priceless information highly prized by the smuggling business ensures his being kept alive.As Anolo’s forces close in and Greedo’s odds of survival quickly drop, the Rodian ignites the lightsaber and uses it to slice the office’s window to pieces. He commands Barada to ready the Skiff.Greedo launches his grappling hook and orders the Givin to slide across to the Skiff, ignoring his calculations warning against putting that much weight on the line.

The Givin takes the grappling hook and the line quickly snaps, sending the Givin to his death.Within Jabba’s palace on Tatooine, Jabba is disappointed Greedo caused the death of one of his favorite enforcers, Takvaa, and takes Greedo to task for costing him the Givin codebreaker who would have made Jabba billions of credits.“Greedo, you have disappointed me for the last time. And the fall from my favorite is so very steep,” Jabba says, as Greedo is just moments away from being dropped into the Rancor pit.Greedo presents the one-of-a-kind lightsaber of Ki-Adi-Mundi, hoping it’s enough to fetch at least some credits. But Jabba is unimpressed with “obsolete Jedi trinkets,” and Greedo is spared only through the intervention of Dok-Ondar. He’s there to purchase a Dianoga pup and will pay double if allowed to purchase the lightsaber.“It seems Dok-Ondar’s generosity has saved you. For now,” Jabba says. “I would have just scrapped the crinking thing. Both crinking things.”But Jabba’s mercy isn’t free, and he has another task for Greedo: one last chance to restore Jabba’s faith.“Let’s see how you can handle a simple bounty,” Jabba says.

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Greedo swears he won’t fail this time as he sets out into the Tatooine desert.It would be Greedo’s final bounty. In a Mos Eisley cantina, the bounty hunter who “never misses” would be shot and killed when attempting to claim his bounty on Han Solo. (Photo: Marvel Comics)Back in present day, Dok-Ondar holds Ki-Adi-Mundi’s lightsaber and says it has survived its owner. It has outlasted the fall of Republics and Empires.

And it will outlast the First Order.As the Sergeant Stormtrooper and his goons depart, Dok-Ondar says the encounter was too close. “If Kylo Ren and the First Order ever discovered the Sith relic. It would be far too much power in the wrong hands.”Dok-Ondar announces his plan to relocate the relic someplace safer tomorrow night. He doesn’t know Kendoh, Wooro, and Remex are watching.“That’s the relic that’s going to make us rich,” Kendoh says. “You heard the Ithorian — we move to snatch it tomorrow night.”Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge #3 releases June 26 and will feature Hondo Ohnaka, who will be realized in the form of a housed within the Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run attraction. Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge opens May 31 at the Disneyland Resort and August 29 at Disney’s Hollywood Studios as part of the Walt Disney World Resort.-Have you subscribed to ComicBook Nation, the official Podcast of yet?

Check it out by or listen below.In this latest episode we go all-in on Spider-Man: Far From Home with a spoiler-free review, big changes coming to WWE with the return of Eric Bischoff, a bit of Henry Cavill news and more! Make sure to subscribe now to never miss an episode!

As part of the STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Season Pass, expand your galaxy with the STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Outer Rim digital expansion pack. Blast enemies in the smelting factory or along the industrial pipes and platforms of Sullust or fight through Jabba’s throne room and sail barge garage on Tatooine. New playable hero characters will have you shooting first with Greedo or targeting foes with precision as Nien Nunb. Arm yourself with the new Relby V-10 rifle and DT-12 blaster pistol and collect and equip the Scatter Gun, Dioxis Grenade, and Adrenaline Stim Star Cards. The Outer Rim awaits.This product is only available to Season Pass holders from March 22nd - April 5th after which point it will be available for purchase on April 5th.Show More. Submitted on 1/29/2017 Review title of Odst BrownieI sense something.First of all this is a good game, but not great. Graphically speaking it is beautiful, absolutely stunning.

Star Wars Battlefront Greedo Shine Time

There is not single player story mode (insert sad face here), and while the combat is good it's missing something. The maps are fun at least through Outer Rim, I think that we needed a little bit more of that battlefield dazzle that Dice is so good at doing (minus the BF4 launch). I think that they have built a solid base and am looking forward to Battlefront 2. Please add a story mode Dice.