Fallout 4 Sim Settlements City Plans

A new Fallout 4 mod came out two days ago that makes settlement management in Fallout 4 a lot easier and more interesting. It's not exactly a full auto-pilot mode, but it basically lets the settlers build the towns, themselves.There's been a mod out there for quite some time call. This basically lets you lay down plots and assign your settlers to those plots, and the settlers will own and build them up on their own.What's new as of 2 days ago is an expansion to the original mod called.

With this expansion, you plop down a city planners desk, assign a city leader from one of your companions (a future patch will expand it to include other named NPCs not just your companions, but for now it has to be a companion). And it will then build up the town automatically.Future expansions or addons should include alternate settlement plans, and since it's only 2 days old there are bound to be bugs. But it's definitely a breath of fresh air to the game that somewhat automates the piece that tends to take all my time away from just playing the questing / adventure game. I'm really liking this mod.There was a bug in it where cities weren't upgrading as they should, but that was patched on the 2nd.

Just installed the patch tonight but didn't get around to any of my settlements until just before I was ready to quit for the night. They advised in the patch notes turning off auto upgrades, so I manually upgraded Sunshine Trading Co to city level 1. Definitely not something I would have ever come up with on my own. Doesn't hurt that there's some randomization built in to the plots so not every build will end up with the same buildings.This mod is, in a word. Definitely takes the tedium out of building up the settlements. But I also have definitely had more crashes since it was installed, so they still have some bugs to stamp out.Also, if you do install it, I wouldn't upgrade more than a few settlements at a time. Aside from the fact that you must assign a companion as the settlement leader, and companions are limited in number, especially early on, the mod is also heavily script based and constantly running even when you are outside the settlements.


The more you have actively upgrading, the more impact on the game there will be. Aside from more frequent crashes, I've also noticed a bit of a frame rate dip since installing this mod, likely because of the background script activity.Overall, I still consider it very worth it, but I'm limiting myself to working on a max of 4 settlements at a time. Getting even better now with the addition of another modder's Logistics Station Add-on:This turns one of Sim Settlement's industrial plots into a logistics station that automates supply lines between settlements. Once set up, you don't need to manually set up caravans unless you have unoccupied settlements where you still want resource sharing.Only challenge is, some settlements have limited space and no exterior industrial plots with the Rise of the Commonwealth automated city building (the add on does not work yet with interior plots).

So for these, like Tenpines Bluff, you have to find a spot to squeeze the new plot in.

To enter crafting mode for settlements, find a red Workshop table. This will trigger placement mode. A green line will appear around the borders of the settlement, marking where you can build and scrap materials. Items that can be scrapped for components will be highlighted in yellow. You may also scrap the items highlighted in green, however those items (mostly furniture but other objects as well) can also be placed within your inventory for later use. When you open up the menu and choose an item to build, if you already have one stored in the Workshop, a number will appear in the thumbnail indicating how many you have in stock. This is useful in Sanctuary Hills, where there are many re-usable items still available.

However, in most of your settlements you will need to start from scratch and bring in components from elsewhere. Table of Contents.Gather materials from the settlement site by scrapping everything of use. Of gods and kings ffxv walkthrough. This cleans up the settlement area. From there, choose what you need to build based on the needs of your settlers. Materials that have been scrapped will go into the inventory of the settlement site’s crafting table.

Each inventory is specific to that location, and resources are not shared across sites.Fortunately, if and when you acquire the Charisma 6 perk “Local Leader”, you will be able to establish supply lines between your settlements and share resources. To build supply lines, enter Workshop mode, select a Settler and instruct them to establish a supply line to another settlement.

This will allow both settlements to share materials during base-building, although the Workshop inventory will only show you items available locally. Necessities and StructuresSufficient resources must be built to match the population of your settlement, including defense, water, and food. Here are some items you should plan for from the start, and their necessary ingredients. Pick vegetables or fruits at other nearby sites and plant them in Workshop mode.

You can also plant the items you find out in the Commonwealth, but not if they are labeled “Wild”. Some of the crops you can grow include Carrots, Tato (a potato-tomato hybrid), Corn, Gourd, Melon, Mutfruit, and Razorgrain.

Fallout 4 Sim Settlements City Plans For Kids

You also build a Bathtub as a Brahmin Feed Trough to attract and keep Brahmin nearby. It requires 2 Steel and 8 Ceramic. PowerYour settlers need Power, especially because you need it to run the Recruit Radio Beacon that attracts other settlers.There are a lot of options but you will mostly need the Small Generator. Bear in mind that all items requiring Power must be attached to your power source with a Copper wire. If the item that you wish to power has no number near the Energy symbol in its menu, that means it requires ambient Energy instead of direct Energy. For that you will need a Pylon, which must be attached to a Generator. More details are in.

Fallout 4 Sim Settlements City Plans

Guard Post (produces 2 Defense)Wood 10Steel 4Guard Tower (produces 2 Defense)Wood 12Steel 6 Machine Gun TurretsYour settlers will be able to devote themselves to other tasks if Machine Gun Turrets guard their settlement. Set up Guard Posts first, then convert to Machine Gun Turrets as you can. You will mostly need the regular Machine Gun Turret, but here are your options.

Some will require perks to unlock.Machine Gun Turret (produces 5 Defense)Steel 8Circuitry 1Gear 2Oil 2Heavy Machine Gun Turret (produces 8 Defense, requires Rank 1 of Gun Nut)Steel 10Circuitry 2Gear 2Oil 4Laser Turret (requires 2 Power, produces 8 Defense, requires Rank 1 of the Science! Perk)Aluminum 5Circuitry 3Screw 3Fiber Optics 4Gears 2Nuclear Material 2Steel 5Glass 3Shotgun Turret (requires 2 Power, produces 8 Defense, requires Rank 2 of the Gun Nut perk)Aluminum 4Circuitry 5Screw 4Gears 4Oil 5Steel 6Spotlight (requires 2 Power, produces 2 Defense)Circuitry 1Screw 1Gear 2Steel 6Oil 1Glass 2Heavy Laser Turret (requires 2 Power, produces 12 Defense, requires Rank 3 of the Science! Perk)Crystal 4Aluminum 7Circuitry 4Screw 4Fiber Optics 4Gears 3Nuclear Material 4Steel 3Missile Turret (requires 2 Power, produces 15 Defense, require Rank 3 of Gun Nut)Aluminum 6Circuitry 6Screw 5Gears 5Oil 6Steel 6 TrapsYou can also build traps. Your options are:Tesla Arc (requires 1 Power, produces 2 Defense)Steel 2Copper 3Circuitry 1Radiation Emitter (requires 1 Power, produces 2 Defense)Screw 2Nuclear Material 3Lead 2Steel 2Flamethrower Trap (requires 1 Power, produces 3 Defense)Screw 2Rubber 4Aluminum 4Oil 6Recruitment Radio BeaconYour settlers need other survivors to join them so their site will grow and become more prosperous.Circuitry 2Crystal 2Copper 6Steel 10Ceramic 3Rubber 1Finding some of these items, like Circuitry, Gears, and Copper, will be difficult.

Sim Settlements No City Plans

You can purchase some shipments of necessary items from traveling vendors or sellers in the Diamond City Market, but for the most part you should track them down yourself. Try to aim for items that contain multiple components such as the items below so as to use your space most efficiently. Most can be found looting buildings. The remains of Machine Gun Turrets and Synths are good for some of these parts. If you’re having trouble keeping track of what you need, use the Search function within an item you wish to build.