I think mine was different from those. Or maybe it's just notpictured here. I think it was the blue one, at the bottom.Once, when I was a kid, I went to McDonalds' with myparents.

I got the Happy Meal, ate my chicken nuggets, and found the toy. Itwas a little Sonic the Hedgehog toy, like a portable electronic game. It hadthree buttons: an On/Off switch, and two others, one on each side. Whenyou turned the game on, Sonic appeared at the bottom of the little screen, andgigantic cannonballs came towards him – unless it was Sonic speeding up.Anyway, the idea was to press the left or right buttons to move Sonic so thathe avoided the incoming obstacles. What does this childhood memory have to dowith Sonic and the Secret Rings?

Well, Secret Rings is basically the samething, albeit more complex. Way more complex. It makes perfect sense! You tilt the Wii remote leftor right to move Sonic in either direction, and you must avoid the obstacles.Except after that, we add the jump feature (obviously), the spindash feature, the enemy lock-on feature. And then we have the dozens of missions, the oddunlocking pattern, the back step, the Ring abilities (including Fire, Wind andDark abilities), wall shuffling, edge grinding, air launching, medals, theability to slow down or speed up time, the Fire Rings, the boss battles. I'm gonna have a lot to talk about. Sonic and the Secret Rings is part of a miniature“spin-off” series of games in the Sonic franchise, called the Storybook Series.As far as I know, there were only two games in this spin-off series:This one, and Sonic and the Black Knight.

In each, Sonic gets sent to a fantasyworld based on a famous work of literature (in Secret Rings, the ArabianNights; in Black Knight, the legends of King Arthur), and ends up having tosave that world from an evil entity. Good idea on paper, but considering theSonic series' continuity, we can't treat these games as anything else butnon-canon. Or maybe they are, but you need some Marvel or DC level of retcon to make it work. What's more, the Storybook games and Sonic Unleashed decided to playaround with Sonic the Hedgehog, trying different things: In Secret Rings, weget the odd control scheme (which, by the way, I have no problem with). InBlack Knight, we get sword-wielding Sonic (That, however, I had plenty ofproblems with).

And in Unleashed, we had normal, speedy Sonic, and powerful,brawny werehog Sonic. I'll be looking at all three games over time, but thismonth I'm only covering Secret Rings and Sonic Colors. That should be enoughfor now. So what if I don't help?

Sonic And The Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle

It's just a book, right?Sonic gets awoken by a floating lady that came fromthe book's pages. She introduces herself as Shahra, a genie who lives in the Arabian Nights. She urges him to look at the pages: the text isdisappearing!

She says there's an ancient evil threatening to erase her world,and thus she needs Sonic to save it. To accomplish this, Shahra decides tobecome Sonic's genie, and takes residence into a ring, which Sonic then puts onhis finger. He wastes a wish on handkerchiefs, but at least he accepts to helpsave the Arabian Nights. Shahra summons a flying carpet, and the two gettransported into the book. We start in the Lost Prologue, a tutorial world thattakes place between Sonic's world and Shahra's. There, Sonic learns all the basics: Moving leftand right, jumping, air-dashing, enemy targeting.

The regular Sonic stuffthat he should know by now, since it's in all of his games. However, you kinda need to learn it all over again since this game's controls are much different from every other Sonic game out there Sonic also learnsto use the Ring abilities. See, when you select a mission in this game, you'rebrought to a screen about Ring customization. You can have up to fourcustomized Rings at once. You customize a ring by selecting particularabilities and adding them to the ring. There's also a level-up system in thegame; whenever you complete a mission, you get experience points based on yourperformance.

Not hit once through the level? Lots of rings? More EXP!You often get special Ring abilities by completing story-relevant levels, butyou unlock most Ring abilities by leveling up. Other Ring abilities are earnedby getting medals.

Full levels will usually give you more EXP, but somemissions here and there also give a lot of EXP. The mission selection screen.Talking about missions, the 7 non-tutorial worlds inthis game have 12 to 14 missions, but Lost Prologue has 21. On every singlemission, you can also earn Bronze, Silver or Gold medals based on your timewhen you complete the level. The ideal would be for you to complete everysingle level at least once, and then get the Gold medal on every singlelevel. But that's not all there is to get in this game. The first time you play, some missions have threedashes near the Medal circle.

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Those are for Fire Rings. Levels with them alwayshave 3 Fire Rings hidden around the level, and you need to look for them. Whenyou get Fire Rings, you earn EXP.

Also, when you find a number of Fire Rings,you unlock bonus minigames in Party Mode. However, all the Fire Rings you catch never come back in that save file. That's a lot of things todiscuss in every mission! It's too early for a boss fight against the main villain,don't you think? Stop buirning the steps, Erazor!So, Sonic completes the basic missions in LostPrologue (I seriously hope Shahra doesn't turn out to be the Navi of the Sonicseries), and as he's about to move on to the first actual world, he encountersnone other than the main villain, Erazor Djinn! Well, that was fast.

In the ensuingfight-and-discussion, Erazor Djinn claims he has already erased a tenth of theentire story, and asks Shahra if she has brought him the “Seven World Rings”.Seven what now? Why do I get a feeling that these two genies know each other,or used to?

When Shahra answers no to Erazor's question, he tries to attack herwith an odd flame attack, but Sonic gets in front of her and takes the bullet.Now he's got some kind of flame on his chest, and it keeps on burning. Hey, ahandy little flame to burn marshmallows anywhere, anytime! Wait, that's slowlykilling Sonic?

Djinn leaves, mentioning the next character on hisdeath list is King Shahryar, the main character of the Arabian Nights. Just a pretty picture.Um. Shahryar is the villain of the ArabianNights.

Perhaps a villainous protagonist, at best, but definitely a villain. Inthe original story, he issued an order to kill – or capture, the versionsdiffer, after all this is an ages-old tale – every woman he spent a night with,while issuing a challenge that he would keep the one who would spend athousands and one nights with him (and in some versions, he would subsequently free the capturedwomen). In comes Scheherazade, the vizier's daughter and the true protagonist ofthe book(s). She spends the first night with Shahryar telling him a story, andstops just before it gets interesting.

Curious, Shahryar decides to keep heralive one more day so that he can hear the rest. Scheherazade then continuesher story on Night 2, and stops just before a good moment, so she gets to Night3, and so on and so forth. (There's also something about Scheherazade's sistergetting in their room while they're consummating their marriage and staysaround to hear the story, but I won't mention that any more because ewwwwww.) Scheherazade's tales get more complexevery time, with stories within stories within stories. Meanwhile, in someversions, she helps free the women who had been captured. Scheherazade managesto spend a thousand and one nights doing this, constantly telling stories andending just at the best moments so that Shahryar leaves her alive, out ofinterest for the story.

After Night 1,001, Shahryar finds himself forced toabide by his own rule. And that's the basic story. Hell, it should have beenmade obvious that Shahryar is the villain; he's portrayed by friggin' EGGMAN inthis game! I'm punching myself for leaving my camera at home!Sonic and Shahra wind up in Sand Oasis, the simplyGORGEOUS first world of this game. Seriously, look at the place. And it's a HUGE world too!

Basically, for every world past the LostPrologue, the first mission is a full level taking place in that world, and therest are portions of that level with parts changed here and there to createdifferent missions and goals for Sonic to achieve. Add a few spike balls here,a few rings there, maybe a couple more floating enemy djinns. So, Sonic runsthrough Sand Oasis and eventually finds and saves King Shahryar.

Yes, playedby Eggman in this alternate universe. I feel it's not that big of a stretch,actually. Sonic instantly smells trouble, but Egg-Shahryar can't do much, sincehis men ran away at the sight of those evil djinns. Before Shahryar can explainanything else, he gets kidnapped by a flying dinosaur driven by Erazor Djinn. This thing has more eyes than Eggman has meals every day!Complete a few more missions around Sand Oasis andyou'll unlock the first real boss fight. And it's against a gigantic scorpionwith way more eyes than any genetician with morals would ever put on acreature.

Turns out those eyes are its weakness, too! How convenient! Sonicdefeats the giant beast, which is easier said than done since it always managesto keep a safe distance from Sonic until it attempts to attack with one of itseyed tails. Upon defeating it, Sonic earns a larger ring.

Oh right, Erazor Djinn mentioned those before. So there's one perworld, right? And they're hidden in the missions, right? I suppose we need tocollect them while traveling around the many worlds of the Arabian Nights?A-Okay. Anything to stay in this beautiful imaginary world! That's too big for me to eat!

Let's go look forchilidogs!Sonic and Shahra move on to the second location,Dinosaur Jungle. Eeyup, it's a sudden trip through time, before mankind. Or,well, it sure feels like it. Sonic finds himself running through a world filledwith dangerous dinosaurs and dastardly decorative djinns. I should have broughtalong my Fossil Fighter kit.

No, forget that, I should have brought my Jurassic Park Survival Kit. It's kinda dated, but they're supposed to issue a new version this year. Sonic has to chase Erazor Djinn's Pretosaurthrough the long level. Sonic manages to save King Shahryar just in time, andthe King tells them that the pterosaur flew towards a giant castle. The EvilFoundry!I don't like the name of that place.

It sounds like there'ssomething mean waiting for us in there. Anyway, Sonic completes a few missions, and THEN hecan go to the Evil Foundry. I'll start discussing that world next Monday.

Rightnow, I'll just say that Dinosaur Jungle contains a few of the more annoyingmissions in the game, including one in which you are racing against the windspirit Uhu (who is as fast as Sonic when Sonic starts the game, so unlessyou're extremely lucky you won't be able to beat Uhu until you get Ringabilities that increase your maximum speed), and one where Sonic has to deliverdinosaur eggs scattered around a level into the proper nests, a mission that isextremely long and tedious. But it could be worse. There's another missionwhere Sonic has to smash 5 genie eggs.

At the end of that mission, he getsanother World Ring! Before going on, Sonic asks Shahra whether or not she cantake out that Judgment Flame out of him or something. Apparently, she can't.Sonic doesn't mind, though, saying it just adds more challenge to theadventure. If that's what ends up killing you, Sonic, I think you'll bite yourself for accepting that additional 'challenge'. The two characters move on to the Evil Foundry.

I rate this game: 7.75Sonic and the Secret Rings (formerly known by the working title Sonic Wild Fire and Sonic and the Secret of the Rings) is a video game within the that was released exclusively for the on 20 February 2007 in North America, 2 March 2007 in Europe, and 15 March 2007 in Japan. This is the first 3D Sonic game to feature as the only playable character in Story Mode.Plot The story begins with Sonic napping, he reaches to check his clock upon awakening, accidentally bumping a ring, pops out of a book of the Arabian Nights and into Sonic's world. She reveals that an evil entity known as is absorbing the power of the book and causing pages of it to disappear. If he is not stopped, his power will be unleashed onto the real world unless the 'Legendary Blue Hedgehog', told of in the stories, can stop him. Shahra gives Sonic a ring that seals a contract between her and her new master. Sonic rubs it as instructed, and is asked for a wish. He sneezes from a cold and humorously asks for a few handkerchiefs.

After doing so, he wishes to travel into the world of the Arabian Nights and flies into the book on a magic carpet stating, 'Now this is first class!' Near the start of the story, while Sonic travels inside the book's Tunnel Of Pages, Erazor approaches Sonic and Sonic is shot in the chest with a that is slowly burning out like a fuse. Erazor then tells Sonic that he will remove the curse if Sonic brings the seven which are scattered throughout the worlds in the book.

If he fails to do so, the arrow will burn until it eventually extinguishes along with Sonic's life force. With his life on the line, Sonic heads off to locate the World Rings for Erazor and Shahra continues to go along on Sonic's journey, feeling guilty for getting him involved. And so, Sonic sets off into the world of Arabian Nights with goals of locating the seven World Rings, in hopes of understanding the mystery of their power.The first place he searches is in the desert world of Arabian Desert to search for the sultan, the main character of the Arabian Nights, who resembles. Sonic first thinks that Eggman is behind the entire plot to erase the Arabian Nights world and attempts to question him. Shahra stops him and neither her nor King Shahryar know who Dr. After a short talk, King Shahryar is swooped up by a 'pterosaur' commanded by Erazor, which Sonic grudgingly saves him from.

This scene leads up to the next world,. Depending on what levels the player decides to go to, Sonic will either go straight to Dinosaur Jungle, or go on farther in to meet (whose real world counterpart is ) and fight the world's boss, the who holds one of the seven World Rings Sonic must collect. After picking up the Yellow World Ring from the remains of the monster, it is revealed that whoever gathers up all seven World Rings will be offered as a sacrifice to open a gateway between worlds.After Sonic clears the world, he moves onto the, a large, metal, factory-like stage where Sonic confronts Erazor, who summons the, a gargantuan fire giant.

Sonic and Shahra decide to escape instead of confront the overwhelmingly powerful Ifrit. Ali Baba thinks that they should find his friend, the wise, to help them defeat the Ifrit. Sonic and Shahra go to the and free a trapped Sinbad (the Arabian Nights counterpart of ) who tells them that the best way to destroy the Ifrit is to, 'splash some water on him'.

Sonic sarcastically replies causing a feud between the two characters, emulating their real world nature. Ali Baba forces his way in between the two to stop the fighting and says the only problem with that plan was getting enough water to stop such a large fire golem. Sinbad replies that he was getting to that part before he was interrupted, saying that they would be able to get enough water to beat the Ifrit with the Water Blue Ring, a ring Sinbad used to control storms before it was stolen by pirates. Sonic heads off to in order to confront the pirates and take back the Water Blue Ring. After defeating the world's boss and acquiring the ring, Shahra hands Sonic a mysterious relic and tells him to use it if he has no choice. The pair then return to the Evil Foundry to face off with the Ifrit.After a challenging battle, Sonic defeats the Ifrit, but finds a time bomb.

They escape and throw the time bomb into the air. It explodes, revealing the fire ring. As Sonic takes up the ring, he realizes the cause of the Ifrit Golem's anger.

The seven World Rings contain various emotions (this particular ring containing rage). Sonic then goes to the and meets the undead, who has been turned into a floating skull by Erazor Djinn. Sonic agrees to confront the resurrected forty thieves and get the king his original body back. King Solomon then tells Sonic that he must face Erazor in his lair, knowing that Erazor is said to be a Genie of the Lamp, just like Shahra is Genie of the Ring. King Solomon is still weary, sensing death approaching.

Sonic then goes to the final world, Night Palace, where Erazor resides. After several challenging obstacles, Sonic finds and confronts Erazor Djinn.

It is the player's decision whether he wants to go on to find the last world ring or face Erazor. Sonic says the last world ring seems to be 'sealed with sadness' and Shahra reveals he is the genie from Aladdin and the Magic Lamp. After a heated battle, Erazor is defeated by Sonic. However, before he can be completely defeated, he escapes through a door and proceeds to lock it. The lock can only be opened by the seven World Rings, so Sonic returns to the different worlds of the Arabian Nights to locate the remaining rings.After Sonic collects the rings, the door opens and a 'Last Chapter' is revealed as another mission under. In the last story, Erazor convinces Shahra to give him the seven World Rings that she and Sonic have collected.

Shahra complies and reveals that she and Erazor were once together and that she wants to be back with him. Sonic rubs his ring and commands Shahra to do what she 'feels is right', causing her mind to crack at the two different choices she wants to make. Erazor tries to sacrifice Sonic, the collector of the World Rings, in order to gain their full power and gain the abilities of the creator. However, Shahra blocks Erazor's blade and is struck down in Sonic's place.

Sonic makes one final wish for Shahra to grant - asking her to 'not die, and for things to go back to the way they were'. Although she does not have the power to grant the wish, the mysterious relic she gave to Sonic returns to its original state. Soon after, Erazor absorbs the power of the seven World Rings and transforms into. However, his transformation is not complete as he is required to sacrifice and absorb Sonic, the collector of the Rings. Suddenly, three of the World Rings (Sadness, Rage, and Hate, which were his feelings at the time) infuse with Sonic, causing him to undergo a radical transformation into a new form:.After a vicious battle, Sonic destroys Alf Layla wa-Layla and Erazor is returned to his original state as well as Sonic.

Sonic, now controlling Erazor with his lamp, wishes to bring Shahra back to life, return the world back to normal, and for Erazor to be sealed away in the lamp forever. Erazor is forced by the power of the lamp to grant Sonic's wishes, even though he expresses a denial to do so, after which, he is sealed in his lamp forever (during the credits, there appears to be a shot of Sonic throwing Erazor's lamp into the lava pit from which the Ifrit Golem emerges from). Shahra, though back to life, is still overcome with grief from her earlier betrayal of Sonic. Sonic understands this, and wishes for mountains of handkerchiefs so she can cry for as long as she needs to, touchingly alluding to the start of the story.After the credits roll, Shahra, as the narrator, says that Sonic ran endlessly until he found his way back to his own world. He is said to have had many adventures along the way, some with Ali Baba and Sinbad, but Shahra states that these stories are 'for another time'. She then bids a touching farewell to Sonic, the 'Legendary Hedgehog'.

After the second credits roll, a cutscene is seen where the Arabian Nights book shows the beginning of 'Aladdin and the Magic Lamp'. The title changes into 'Sonic and the Secret Rings'.Modes There are four modes in the game: Adventure, Party, Special Book, and an Options mode to configure game settings.Adventure Adventure mode consists of the eight stages that players will navigate Sonic through as part of the game's main plot, the eight stages are:.The game's storyline takes roughly 10 to 15 hours to complete, but for devoted players who want to unlock bonuses and all 104 of Sonic's skills, it will take a total of 30 hours or so to complete. In doing so, Sonic Team has attempted to give the game additional replay value.The game features a multiplayer Party mode that can support up to 4 players simultaneously. This mode allows connectivity with GameCube Controllers for players 2-4, a feature that was never mentioned by Sega. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy are all default characters, but Shadow, Cream, Silver, and Blaze are all unlockable characters that can be accessed only after meeting certain requirements in the game. 'Fire Souls', hidden items found in some of the game's missions (3 in each applicable one), unlock various 'goodies' for this mode.

Obtaining a certain number of Fire Souls will unlock new mini-games, new modes/options, or one of the four secret characters. This multiplayer mode mode takes the form of having players compete in select mini-games out of the total 40, either individually or collectively in consecutive orders based on secular gameplay modes. One mode, 'Genie's Lair', has players participating in a variety of mini-games for an opportunity to open a treasure chest with goals of locating Sonic Tokens. Too, the game spans a total of 6 different, theme-inspired modes that enable players to participate in select mini-games.

The six boards also feature various 'mini events', similar to. The actual mini-games themselves have players performing various tasks that take advantage of the Wii Remote's capabilities, although some are quite minimal and could, quite easily be executed with the Gamecube Controller. Omochao serves as the 'announcer' for the Party Mode of the game, somewhat similar to his minor role in.Special Book In Special Book mode, players can play the 225 bonuses in the game that are unlocked by beating levels quickly, achieving various milestones and discovering secret areas. Some of these unlockables include movies of the making of the game, cutscenes, video interviews, concept art, and music from the game.ShahraControl In Adventure mode, players control Sonic with the Wii Remote by holding the controller sideways with both hands and will be able to use the controller in unique ways that take advantage of the Wii Remote's control mechanisms.

Unlike other Sonic games, in which Sonic is controlled directly, Secret Rings features an indirect 'on-rails' method of control in which Sonic moves forward automatically in a semi-linear path. Sonic's movement can be controlled by tilting the controller left or right. The 'Nunchuk' peripheral is not used in this game.SonicCharacters In addition to Sonic the Hedgehog, several other characters appear in the game. Many of these characters are new to the franchise; however, some older characters from the franchise have returned to portray Arabian Nights characters. These returning characters are recognized throughout the game by Sonic, but do not recognize him in return.: A special, eager young genie/djinn who enlists the help of Sonic.

In the game, she grants Sonic special abilities and bonuses to help Sonic in his quest. She appears as a ball of light in the stages, similar to Tikal the Echidna in Sonic Adventure and she appears to have a strong relationship towards Erazor. In the end of the story she is revealed as having a partnership of sorts with Erazor. However, she does not believe this is the 'right path' when Sonic wishes for her to 'Do what you truly think is right!'


When Erazor attempts to sacrifice Sonic, she saves him, sacrificing her own life. Her name is a reference to an alternate name of the 1001 nights character Scheherazade.

She is later brought back to life with Sonic's first wish on the Erazor Djinn's lamp. She has a habit of calling Sonic 'Master' even though he prefers her to just call him by name. It is hinted that she and the Erazor Djinn were once in love or were friends.: An evil genie/djinn named Erazor who threatens the existence of the Arabian Nights world. Erazor is the genie from Aladdin and the Magic Lamp. In his story, Erazor was punished for his wrongdoings long ago, and would be freed from his lamp after he granted the wishes of 1000 people (three wishes per person). After being freed, he had a hatred for the creator for writing him into such a story.

At the start of the story, he strikes Sonic with a flaming arrow, forcing him to go on a hunt for the world's seven 'World Rings', unbeknownst to him what really threatens the Arabian Nights world. In the main storyline, he resides in a large palace absorbing the power of the Arabian Nights book, causing the pages to disappear, and waiting for Sonic to collect the World Rings. Along his journey, Sonic will learn more about Erazor and how the real world has also become endangered.

His name is an obvious pun on 'eraser', and 'razor', as he is erasing the pages of the Arabian Nights book, and that his weapon is a giant razor blade. He has a habit of calling Sonic a 'rat'. Kri Ma Djinn: As revealed on the official US site, creatures known as 'Kri Ma Djinn' make appearances in some of the mini-games. 'Majin' is the Japanese pronunciation of 'Ma Djinn' and 'Majin' also means 'demon person' in Japanese.

Pri Ma Djinn: As revealed on the official US site, a genie known as 'Pri Ma Djinn' makes an appearance in some of the mini-games. Uhu: A 'Wind Genie' who appears in the missions of some of the game's stages. He is 'known for his speed' and as such, Sonic will, in certain stages, have to face him in a race to the end of the level. King Solomon: A wise old king who resides in a chamber inside the Skeleton Dome. He is the original figure who stopped the enemies many years ago before Erazor tried to take over. In the game he appears as a large skeleton because of something, that is not revealed, that Erazor has done to him.: Plays the role of King Shahryār (Persian: شهریار) of Persia, seen after the Sand Oasis stage. His physical form is that of the games before Sonic the Hedgehog (2006).

He has recently been attacked by an unknown entity and he mistakes Sonic for the attacker.: Plays the role of Ali Baba, first seen in the Sand Oasis stage after Sonic saves him from being attacked by Erazor's henchman. His purpose in the story is small, he gives advice at various points in the game and tells Sonic where to find Sinbad (Knuckles).: Plays the role of Sinbad, seen in the Levitated Ruin stage. His only purpose in the game is to help Sonic find the Water Blue World Ring, which was taken from him by pirates when he was captured. His appearance and the role he plays in relation to Sonic ties into the Levitated Ruin level.: Makes a cameo, Easter-egg appearances in some of the game's stages. This is accomplished by braking and standing still in a certain spot for a few seconds, revealing a short cutscene with him. This unlocks entries in his own 'diary' in the Special Book that contains many bonus pictures of him in some of the stages. The empty spaces give instructions on where these spots can be found.

Rather than portray any Arabian Nights character, he appears as himself.Gameplay General Enemies scattered throughout the game are described as 'spirits', to the discomfort of some players. Each enemy has different attributes depending on their predominant color. Purple and green enemies are normal enemies and have no special attributes while red enemies can spew fire in a rotary or linear motion. To defeat some of these enemies, Sonic will need to make usage of some of the 104 skills that will be available to him as the game progresses.Abilities Sonic has special moves that can be both customized and combined to suit certain situations. Sonic can use some of 104 new skills throughout each of the stages in this game.

With special skills equipped, Sonic can perform new moves, his existing moves are improved, and certain effects are bestowed. For instance, one defensive move enables Sonic to, upon sustaining damage, lose only 10 rings instead of the usual 20. Another increases the range of his homing attack, and a third grants him the ability to backflip. A fourth grants him a Soul Gauge with which to perform super moves. There is also an experience and leveling system, in which the player's score, collected Fire Souls and some skills contribute towards increasing the player's level.

Sonic And The Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Go For The Goal 1

Leveling up grants the player more points with which to equip skills, a higher cap on the number of rings you can hold and an increased Soul Gauge. Players have to, before selecting a stage, decide which skills would be best-suited for the respective mission and equip certain skills over others. Since there are so many skills, players may customize 1 of the 4 'Skill Rings' available, so they don't have to select all the skills they need each time they enter a new level.When Sonic's Soul Gauge is sufficiently full, using the D-pad enables Sonic to use one of two abilities.

'Speed Break' boosts Sonic to incredible speeds and grants him partial invincibility, allowing him to defeat enemies, break certain objects, and ignore certain hazards. 'Time Break' slows down time for better aim and obstacle evasion, and can expose certain items and objects (such as some Fire Souls) that would be invisible and impossible to collect or interact with otherwise. Both moves require a base amount of Soul (around 50 points, which can be checked in the Pause Menu, along with other statistics,) to initiate, and then continually drain Soul while in operation. Also, one skill, named 'Soul Resurrection', allows Sonic to take a hit without dying at 0 rings by depleting his Soul Gauge by 100 points. To build up energy in this 'Soul' meter, small collectible 'fire orbs', called Pearls, are dispersed throughout each stage.

Sonic And The Secret Rings Form

Also, certain Skills can increase the Soul Gauge. Certain stages will also present the need for Sonic to utilize different mechanisms to reach new areas.