I know this is already an odd question to be asking the community, but I'm in a weird situation of replacing my grandfathers ancient 900mhz wireless speakers and transmitter for his TV that just died after 16 years. My grandfather is about as foreign to technology as I am with speaking Latin, so simple is the name of the game.Anyways, what I'm trying to accomplish is purchasing a Bluetooth transmitter, attach it to his usb port on the television, and run it to a bluetooth enabled speaker that ALSO has a headphone jack so he can listen to some of his television shows with his plug in headphones. I've tried looking around everywhere and I'm having a difficult time finding something, so if anyone knows of a, preferably single bluetooth speaker that has that capability, I'd be very grateful. You won't be able to connect a BT transmitter to the USB port since the TV won't have drivers for it.You should be able to connect a BT transmitter to the same connection that his old wireless transmitter was using.If you can't find a combo speaker -headphone amp then use a BT transmitter that will pair with 2 deviceshttps /www.amazon.com/NewRice%C2%AE-Bluetooth-Transmitter-Headphones-Simultaneously/dp/B00WEKDB78?ie=UTF8&keywords=audio%20transmitter%20bluetooth&qid=&ref=sr16&sr=8-6and use any BT speaker and BT headphone.

Front-facing speakers tend to create headaches for makers with their bezel-requirements, but it’s hard to argue with that quality of sound – if you use it.We know that headphone jacks are supported by the likes of, and, but many other phone makers have ditched the 3.5mm port, opting to offer a dongle and use the available room for other features, or more battery. (Or, just do it to follow Apple?)So which matters to you more? Here’s the results of what more than 65,000 you said across the, here on the, along with, and Instagram:It’s a great set of results to peruse, with a clear winner and a consistent result – more or less 60/40 in favor of the 3.5mm headphone jack, and that split held throughout each poll. Digging in closer, we saw Youtube vs the website poll as having the bigger difference.

The website poll had a slim 56% to 44% split in favor of the headphone jack, while Youtube was the opposite and the headphone jack was firmly on top, with a dominant 64/36 split.Click through the tabs up above to browse the votes. CommentsThe comments! We had some great reactions in the comments with a real divide between old faithful tech versus shiny new wireless tech that not everyone likes.Here’s a sample of what we saw. 3.5mm headphone jack voters said:.

JackSpeaker With Headphone Jack

“‘Cause it is annoying not to able to use your headset while charging.”. “It was present on all phones until Apple started the horrible trend of removing it, whereas stereo front speakers were much rarer so losing the jack is much more peculiar and jarring”. “You don’t wanna be blaring weird music in a bus or any public place. Bluetooth is a pain, since if the Bluetooth device is faulty, it would have connection problems. You also need to charge them.

All you gotta do is just plug simple headphones in the port. Let’s face it. We aren’t really gonna use those speakers a lot, unless you’re always partying.”.

“It’s not coz I’m stuck in 2010 or not willing to adapt to changes. It’s just that it’s an option that wouldn’t fail under many circumstances.”. Stereo front-facing speakers voters said:. “If a phone doesn’t have a 3.5mm jack, one can use a small dongle. But without FF stereo speakers, the only option is an external speaker, which is less portable than a dongle.”. “At least with a dongle you can still use your headphones. Once you lose those front-facing speakers, there’s no way to get them back.”.

Portable Speaker With Headphone Jack

“Its highly annoying trying to cup my hands every time I watch a youtube video.”. “I find front-facing speakers to be much more an improvement to quality media consumption, while the headphone jack is more of a convenient addition these days.”.


“It’s 2018 everyone uses wireless earphones or headphones.”. “Well I know this is cheating, but I have an S9+ which has both of those options and more.”What do you make of the poll results and where do you stand?

Small Speaker With Headphone Jack

Farm frenzy 4 mod apk. Is this a major issue for you when buying a new phone?